Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/databases/postgresql-postgis2
From: Greg Troxel
Date: 2022-09-04 02:31:01
Message id:

Log Message:
databases/postgresql-postgis2: Update to 3.3.0

packaging changes:
  - require pgsql >= 11, per upstream
  - enable address standardizer module

PostGIS 3.3.0

This version requires PostgreSQL 11 or higher, GEOS 3.6 or higher, and Proj 5.2+.
Additional features are enabled if you are running GEOS 3.9+
ST_MakeValid enhancements with 3.10+, ST_ConcaveHull and several other \ 
enhancements with GEOS 3.11+.
Requires SFCGAL 1.4.1+ for ST_AlphaShape and ST_OptimalAlphaShape.

The new --enable-lto flag improves math computations.  This new feature is \ 
disabled by default
because on some platforms, causes compilation errors (BSD and MingW64 issues \ 
have been raised)

Use below to enable it.

 ./configure --enable-lto flag

 * New features *
  - #5116, Topology export/import scripts (Sandro Santilli)
  - ST_Letters creates geometries that look like letters (Paul Ramsey)
  - #5037, postgis_sfcgal: ST_3DConvexHull (Loïc Bartoletti)
  - postgis_sfcgal: sfcgal_full_version - reports BOOST and CGAL version
    (Loïc Bartoletti)
  - GH659, MARC21/XML, ST_GeomFromMARC21, ST_AsMARC21 (Jim Jones)
  - #5132, GH683, sfcgal: ST_3DUnion aggregate function (Sergei Shoulbakov)
  - #5143, SFCGAL ST_AlphaShape and ST_OptimalAlphaShape
           Requires SFCGAL 1.4.1+ (Loïc Bartoletti)
  - #5162, ST_TriangulatePolygon with GEOS 3.11+ (Paul Ramsey, Martin Davis)
  - #5162, ST_SimplifyPolygonHull with GEOS 3.11+ (Paul Ramsey, Martin Davis)
  - #5183, topology.RemoveUnusedPrimitives (Sandro Santilli)

 * Breaking changes *
  - Drop support for PostgreSQL 9.6 and 10 (Regina Obe)
  - Change output for WKT MULTIPOINT. All points now
    wrapped in parens. (Even Roualt)
  - GH674, geometry validation and fixing is disabled
    for ST_DumpAsPolygons and ST_Polygon so it works faster
    but might produce invalid polygons. (Aliaksandr Kalenik)

 * Enhancements *
  - #2861, Add index on topology.node(containing_face) speeding up
    splitting and merging of faces (Sandro Santilli)
  - #2083, Speed up ST_RemEdge topology functions adding index on
    relation(element_id) and edge_data(abs_next*) (Sandro Santilli)
  - #5118, Allow dropping topologies with missing topogeometry sequences
    (Sandro Santilli)
  - #5111, faster topology face MBR computation (Sandro Santilli)
  - postgis_extensions_upgrade() support for upgrades from any PostGIS
    version, including yet to be released ones (Sandro Santilli)
  - #5040, add postgis_sfcgal_full_version (Loïc Bartoletti)
  - GH655, GiST: balance the tree splits better in recursive calls (Darafei \ 
  - GH657, GiST: do not call no-op decompress function (Aliaksandr Kalenik)
  - #4939, #5161, ST_LineMerge now has option to keep the directions of input \ 
    useful when processing road graphs. Requires GEOS 3.11. (Sergei Shoulbakov)
  - ST_ConcaveHull GEOS 3.11+ native implementation (Paul Ramsey, Martin Davis)
  - ST_ConcaveHull GEOS 3.11+ polygon-respecting native implementation (Paul \ 
Ramsey, Martin Davis)
  - #4574, GH678, #5121 Enable Link-Time Optimizations using --enable-lto \ 
(Sergei Shoulbakov)
  - GH676, faster ST_Clip (Aliaksandr Kalenik)
  - #5135, Fast GiST index build is enabled by default for PostgreSQL 15+ \ 
(Sergei Shoulbakov)
  - #4939, #5161, ST_LineMerge now has option to keep the directions of input \ 
    useful when processing road graphs. Requires GEOS 3.11. (Sergei Shoulbakov)
  - #5158, pgtopo_import / pgtopo_export manpages (Sandro Santilli)
  - #5170, add a optional max_rows_per_copy to -Y option to raster2pgsql to
    control number of rows per copy statement.
    Default to 50 when not specified (Regina Obe)
  - GH698, support parallel aggregate for ST_Union (Sergei Shoulbakov)
  - #5024, Update spatial_ref_sys as part of ALTER EXTENSION update postgis \ 
(Paul Ramsey)

 * Bug Fixe *
