Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/net/vpnc-script
From: Amitai Schleier
Date: 2022-10-18 03:17:53
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 20220917. From the changelog:

- Use 'ps -c -o command=' rather than 'cmd=' [chris vogan]
- Use full names of Windows 'netsh' sub-commands, not abbreviations
  [Dimitri Papadopoulos]
- Don't try to condition 'validate=no' flag on Windows version
  [Daniel Lenski]
- add networksetup for darwin to fix dns setup on newer versions of
  MacOS [Tobias Breitwieser]
- Removed automatic adding of NS routes [Heiko Schabert]
- Add configuration for OBS workflow [Luca Boccassi]
- Add RPM packaging for OBS workflow [Luca Boccassi]
- Add Debian packaging for OBS workflow [Luca Boccassi]
- vpnc-script-sshd: use ip link peer name syntax [Luca Boccassi]
- vpnc-script: Detect systemd with resolvectl status [Jordan Justen]
- Cleanup error status in vpnc-script-win.js [Dimitri Papadopoulos]
- Update copyright/origin notices in scripts [Daniel Lenski]
- On newer versions of Windows, need `validate=no` when adding DNS
  servers [Daniel Lenski]
- Better ordering, more logging, and disconnect handler fixes on Windows
  [Daniel Lenski]
- Add logLevel and logTimestamps options to vpnc-script-win.js
  [Daniel Lenski]
- On newer versions of Windows, need `validate=no` when adding DNS
  servers [Daniel Lenski]
- Better ordering, more logging, and disconnect handler fixes on Windows
  [Daniel Lenski]
- Add logLevel and logTimestamps options to vpnc-script-win.js
  [Daniel Lenski]
- Remove unnecessary quotes around numeric interface identifier (TUNIDX)
  in vpnc-script-win.js [Daniel Lenski]
- vpnc-script-win.js: replace incorrect exec() call with run()
  [Tim De Baets]
- Always use INTERNAL_IP4_ADDRESS as "gateway" on Windows [Daniel Lenski]
- Support for OpenBSD's resolvd via route messages [Andrew Hewus Fresh]
- Another bugfix when determining the controlling PID [Daniel Lenski]
- Use `type -P` instead of `command -v` in tests/ bash scripts
  [Ville Skyttä]
- Use `grep -E` instead of `egrep` [Ville Skyttä]
- Use `command -v` instead of `which` [Ville Skyttä]
- Ensure that vpnc-script-win.js works even if
  INTERNAL_IP4_{NETADDR,NETMASK} are unset [Daniel Lenski]
- Add polyfill for String.prototype.trim in vpnc-script-win.js
  [Daniel Lenski]
- Minor typo [Dimitri Papadopoulos]
- Fix spacing [Daniel Lenski]
- Use $VPNPID when provided by OpenConnect [Daniel Lenski]
- Also include controlling process identifier in resolv.conf backup path
  [Daniel Lenski]
- Bugfix default route handling by using GRANDparent process ID to
  uniquely identify connection [Daniel Lenski]
- Typos found by codespell [Dimitri Papadopoulos]
- Ensure that vpnc-script-win.js picks a legal "internal gateway"
  address even for /32 netmask [Daniel Lenski]
- tests: fix error message about missing ocserv [Luca Boccassi]
- Typos caught by codespell [Dimitri Papadopoulos]
- Fix set_vpngateway_route [Daniel Lenski]
- Exclude routes may use a different address family from VPNGATEWAY
  [Daniel Lenski]
- factor out list_non_loopback_routes and use for split-exclude routes
  as well [Daniel Lenski]
- tests: 'route flush' doesn't work properly on Linux' [Daniel Lenski]
- Linux: fix IPv6 route flushing [Daniel Lenski]
- test timing: wait up to 10s for OpenConnect client to terminating
  [Daniel Lenski]
- re-add tests for IPv6 support [Daniel Lenski]
- always exclude TUNDEV when finding/setting gateway route
  [Daniel Lenski]
- preserve onlink flag in gateway/exclude routes [Daniel Lenski]
