Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/math/py-scipy
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2022-10-24 20:18:15
Message id:

Log Message:
py-scipy: updated to 1.9.3

Issues closed for 1.9.3

scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline segfault
BUG: multivariate_normal returns a pdf for values outside its...
BUG: stats: inconsistency in docs and behavior of gmean and hmean
running scipy.interpolate.tests.test_fitpack::test_bisplev_integer_overflow...
test_bisplev_integer_overflow: Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Bug: setting iprint=0 hides all output from fmin_l_bfgs_b, but...
\`scipy.stats.mood\` does not correct for ties
ks_2samp throws \`RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in double_scalars\`
\`shgo\` error since scipy 1.8.0.dev0+1529.803e52d
Input data validation for RectSphereBivariateSpline
BUG: binom.pmf - RuntimeWarning: divide by zero
BUG: scipy.optimize.minimize: Powell's method function evaluated...
BUG: lombscargle fails if argument is a view
BUG: Possible bug when using winsorize on pandas data instead...
BUG: stats.ttest_ind returns wrong p-values with permutations
odr.Model default meta value fails with __getattr__
BUG: Error in error message for incorrect sample dimension in...
BUG: dimension of isuppz in syevr is mistranslated
BUG: \`KDTree\`'s optional argument \`eps\` seems to have no...
dtype not preserved with operations on sparse arrays
BUG: \`\` on \`boltzmann\` expects \`bound\` for \`lambda\`,...
BUG: Small oversight in sparse.linalg.lsmr?
BUG: Build failure due to problems with shebang line in
BUG: returns \`loc\` that is inconsistent...
BUG? Incorrect branch in \`LAMV\` / \`_specfunc.lamv\`
DOC: keepdims in stats.mode is incorrectly documented

Pull requests for 1.9.3

BUG: multivariate_normal returns a pdf for values outside its...
Bug: setting iprint=0 hides all output from fmin_l_bfgs_b, but...
BUG: stats: Reformulate loggamma._rvs to handle c << 1.
BUG: fix out-of-bound evaluations in optimize.minimize, powell...
BUG: fix powell evaluated outside limits
BUG: fix stats.rv_histogram for non-uniform bins
stats.mood: correct for when ties are present
BUG: fix a crash in \`fpknot\`
MAINT: stats: fix _contains_nan on Pandas Series
Fix ttest permutations
MAINT: fix SHGO extra arguments
BUG: Fix error in error message for incorrect sample dimension...
MAINT: stats.ks_2samp: always emit warning when exact method...
BUG: fix syevr series segfault by explicitly specifying operator...
BUG: optimize: Fix differential_evolution error message.
FIX: \`odr.Model\` error with default \`meta\` value
FIX: stats: ignore divide-by-zero warnings from Boost binom impl
MAINT: stats.vonmises: wrap rvs to -pi, pi interval
BUG: eps param no effect fixed
MAINT: Ensure Pythran input for lombscargle are contiguous
Detect integer overflow in bivariate splines in fitpackmodule.c,...
BUG: sparse: Fix indexing sparse matrix with empty index arguments.
FIX: spurious divide error with \`gmean\`
BUG: fix mutable data types as default arguments in \`ord.{Data,RealData}\`
MAINT: stats.boltzmann: correct _shape_info typo
BUG: interpolate: sanity check x and y in make_interp_spline(x,...
MAINT: avoid \`func_data\`, it conflicts with system header on...
BUG: interpolate: work array sizes for RectSphereBivariateSpline
BUG: linalg: Fix the XSLOW test test_sgesdd_lwork_bug_workaround()
MAINT: fix small LSMR problem
MAINT: stats.rayleigh: enforce constraint on location
FIX: special: use intended branching for \`lamv\` implementation
MAINT: stats.rv_discrete.pmf: should be zero at non-integer argument
REL: Prep for SciPy 1.9.3
BUG: special: Fix two XSLOW test failures.
MAINT: update to make it work on IBM i system
BLD: fix issue with incomplete threads dependency handling
Keepdims incorrectly documneted fix
MAINT: Handle numpy's deprecation of accepting out-of-bound integers.
BLD: fix invalid shebang for build helper script
