Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/php-igbinary
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2022-11-08 16:29:12
Message id:

Log Message:
devel/php-igbinary: update to 3.2.11

3.2.7 (2022-01-12)

* Update test expectations for php 8.2.0-dev.  Add
  `#[AllowDynamicProperties]` Attribute to some tests to avoid notices.

* In php 8.1+, make igbinary_unserialize check to see if an equivalent
  interned string already exists when unserializing object property names,
  array keys, and class names and use that instead of creating a brand new
  (This deliberately doesn't create a new interned string if one doesn't
  already exist.)
  (Before this change, igbinary would deduplicate strings when serializing,
  but would not check if strings were interned by PHP itself when

* Avoid debug build assertion failure for `HT_ASSERT_RC1` the same way as
  PHP's unserialize - this is a case where ostensibly there are no other
  references to the array being unserialized.

3.2.8 (2022-10-17)

* Reduce excessive inlining to reduce shared library size.

* Miscellaneous optimizations.

* Update test expectations to handle changes to var_export output (fully
  qualified class names) in PHP 8.2.

* Throw an Error when igbinary_unserialize would add dynamic properties to
  class definitions that forbid them in PHP 8.0+
  (especially PHP 8.2 `readonly` classes)

* Emit a deprecation notice when igbinary_unserialize() adds dynamic
  properties to a class without `#[AllowDynamicProperties]` in PHP 8.2.
  Doing that would become an Error in PHP 9.0.

* Set up CI job to build dlls on - at
  the moment, the infrastructure used by the Windows for php team has been
  broken for months.

3.2.9 (2022-10-17)

* Fix invalid release artifact name in job to build dlls for

3.2.10 (2022-11-06)

* Add a macro that callers can use to check if igbinary will accept the
  header for data being unserialized.

* Fix bug preventing the unserialization of data containing representations
  of strings larger than 4GB.

3.2.11 (2022-11-06)

* Fix a bug that could prevent objects/arrays with reference cycles from
  being properly garbage collected.

* Fix bugs in unserializing PHP references to values found in php 7.4 typed
  properties (#363)
