Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/R-R.utils
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2022-12-18 00:48:27
Message id:

Log Message:
(devel/R-R.utils) Updated 2.11.0 to 2.12.2

# Version 2.12.2 [2022-11-11]

## Documentation

 * Drop duplicated arguments from `help("parse.SmartComments")`.

## Deprecated and Defunct

 * S3 method `warnings()` for `Verbose`, and the corresponding generic
   function, has been deprecated in favor of the `printWarnings()`.

# Version 2.12.1 [2022-10-30]

## Documentation

 * Documented the limitation that `withTimeout()` may fail to detect
   the timeout error if the language is temporarily switched during

 * Updated moved and broken URLs in help pages.

## Bug Fixes()

 * `filePath()` could produce `Error in if (components[pos] == ".." \ 
   components[pos - 1L] != "..") { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE
   needed` when there were too many `..` components in the specified
   path, e.g. `filePath("C:/foo/../bar/../..")`.  Now it returns the
   maximum pruned path, e.g. `"C:/.."`.

 * `withTimeout()` did not return NULL on timeouts when `onTimeout`
   was `"warning"` or `"silent"`.

 * `parseRepos()` would produce `"Error in get(".read_repositories",
   envir = ns) : object '.read_repositories' not found"` in
   R-devel (>= rev 83148).

# Version 2.12.0 [2022-06-27]

## New Features

 * Added support for lists and data frames to `tempvar()`.

## Deprecated and Defunct

 * Remove defunct `Asserts$inherits()` and S3 generic
   `inherits()`. Use `Asserts$inheritsFrom()` instead.

 * Remove defunct argument `substitute` from `withCapture()`. Use
   argument `replace` instead.
