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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/math/R-zoo
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2022-12-18 13:57:14
Message id:
Log Message:
(math/R-zoo) Updated 1.8.10 to 1.8.11
Changes in Version 1.8-11
o The as.ts() methods for both "zoo" and "zooreg" objects \
now allow to pass on
the fill argument (through ...) to the underlying merge() call. Thus, you can
say as.ts(z, fill = 0) to fill potential gaps with 0s instead of NAs.
o The na.spline() method for "ts" objects had been provided \
internally in the
package but has only been correctly registered in the NAMESPACE now.
o The merge() method gained a sep = "." argument to optionally use a \
separator character when making pasting suffixes to column names for making
them unique (suggested by Joshua Ulrich).
o The MATCH() methods for Date/POSIXct/POSIXlt object now coerce the \
argument (if necessary) to Date or POSIXct, respectively, before calling
match(unclass(x), unclass(table), ...) internally.
o In case of a Date/POSIXct/POSIXlt "table" and a plain atomic \
argument "x",
the default MATCH() method coerces "x" to Date or POSIXct, \
before calling match(unclass(x), unclass(table), ...) internally.
o As the "fts" package has been archived on CRAN for several months, \
it has been
excluded from the Suggests of the package. The as.zoo() method for \
objects continues to be part of the package, though, just the hyperlinks in
the documentation have been removed.