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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/net/rabbitmq
From: Amitai Schleier
Date: 2022-12-27 21:11:36
Message id:
Log Message:
Update to 3.11.5. From the changelog:
## Changes Worth Mentioning
### Core Server
#### Enhancements
* Backported a number of free disk space monitor resiliency improvements.
GitHub issue: #5831
* `raft.adaptive_failure_detector.poll_interval` exposes [`aten`]()'s
`poll_interval` setting to RabbitMQ users. Increasing it can reduce
the probability of false positives in clusters where inter-node
communication links are used at close to maximum capacity. The
default is `5000` (5 seconds). GitHub issue: #6632
* When both `disk_free_limit.relative` and `disk_free_limit.absolute`,
or both `vm_memory_high_watermark.relative` and
`vm_memory_high_watermark.absolute` are set, the absolute settings
will now take precedence. GitHub issue: #4980
* Closing channels will now log a warning if they had any messages
pending a confirmation from the server. GitHub issue: #1399
* New quorum queue option for in-memory table (MemTable) compression.
GitHub issue: #6590
* Default queue type (a virtual host setting) is now applied when
importing definitions into a single virtual host. GitHub issue: #6599
#### Bug Fixes
* Feature flags provided by plugins were mistakingly disabled after
node restart. GitHub issue: #6500
* Classic queues with Single Active Consumer enabled could run into an
exception. GitHub issue: #6502
* When a global parameter was cleared, nodes emitted an internal event
of the wrong type. GitHub issue: #6538
### CLI Tools
#### Bug Fixes
* `rabbitmq-queues grow` and `rabbitmq-queues shrink` misformatted the
errors they could encounter. GitHub issue: #6601
#### Enhancements
* Implicit `help` command (when CLI tools were invoked without a
command name) now respects all global flags (such as `--node`). For
example, previously the `--node` flag in
rabbitmqctl --node rabbit@ns1.rabbitmq.cluster.local
was ignored but now CLI tools would discover what plugins are enabled
on node `rabbit@ns1.rabbitmq.cluster.local` and include them into
`help` output. GitHub issue: #6598
* New key supported by `rabbitmqctl list_queues`:
`effective_policy_definition` that returns merged definitions of
regular and operator policies effective for the queue. GitHub
issue: #6556
### Management Plugin
#### Enhancements
* It is now possible to omit explicitly specifying queue type when
declaring a queue (or stream) in the management UI, and rely on the
default queue type configured for the selected virtual host. GitHub
issue: #6600
* New HTTP API endpoint, `GET /api/config/effective`, returns effective
node configuration. This is an HTTP API counterpart of
`rabbitmq-diagnostics environment`. GitHub issue: #6016
### Shovel Plugin
#### Enhancements
* Flow control state for Shovels is now reported with higher fidelity
(of 1 second vs. several seconds previously). This means it should be
easier to spot Shovels that run into flow control using management
UI. GitHub issue: #6615
### Sharding Plugin
#### Bug Fixes
* Plugin could fail to boot and halt node boot due to incorrect boot
step metadata. GitHub issue: #6583
## Dependency Upgrades
* `ra` was upgraded from `2.4.1` to `2.4.5`.
## Changes Worth Mentioning
### Core Server
#### Enhancements
* Import of definition files with many streams is now more efficient.
GitHub issue: #6436
* Lower CPU throughput in clusters with many mostly idle streams.
GitHub issue: #6436
* Streams with `max_age` retention now attempt to reclaim disk space
every hour. This is relevant in environments with a lot of mostly
inactive streams that set `max_age`. GitHub issue: #6436
* Quorum queues are now more resilient to WAL log growth with workloads
that involve clients that register a consumer and then close the
channel or connection without ever consuming any deliveries or
cancelling the consumer. GitHub issue: #6447
#### Bug Fixes
* When a node encouters an invalid `definitions.local.file` on boot,
it will refuse to start instead of ignoring the file. GitHub
issue: #2610
* Fixed a type analyzer definition. GitHub issue: #6401
### CLI Tools
#### Enhancements
* `rabbitmq-diagnostics check_if_node_is_quorum_critical` and
`rabbitmq-upgrade await_online_quorum_plus_one` now consider stream
(not just quorum queues) replica placement when determining if target
node is quorum-critical. GitHub issue: #6448
* Queue info keys now support more inclusive property names related to
(deprecated) classic mirrored queues. For example, `mirror_pids` can
now be used instead of `slave_pids`. GitHub issue: #2635
* `rabbitmq-diagnostics memory_breakdown` now executes significantly
faster in environments with a large number (say, tens or hundreds of
thousands) of quorum queues. Two orders of magnitude faster, in fact.
GitHub issue: #6388
#### Bug Fixes
* Definition export in JSON failed on nodes that used
`definitions.skip_if_unchanged`. GitHub issue: #6424
* Using quorum queue-specific commands on streams now results in
clearer error messages. GitHub issue: #6488
### LDAP Plugin
#### Bug Fixes
* LDAP server password could end up in the logs in certain types of
exceptions. GitHub issue: #4842
### STOMP Plugin
#### Enhancements
* `x-max-age` stream setting now can be set by STOMP clients via a
header. GitHub issue: #5003
## Dependency Upgrades
* `osiris` was upgraded from `1.3.3` to `1.4.0`