Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/graphics/tiff
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2023-01-03 17:38:50
Message id:

Log Message:
tiff: update to 4.5.0.

Changes in TIFF v4.5.0

Major changes

* Whole code base reformatting of .c/.h files using new .clang-format format
* Documentation changed from static HTML and man pages to Restructured Text
  (rst). HTML and man pages are now build artifacts.

Software configuration changes

* SONAME version bumped to 6 due to changes in symbol versioning.
* autoconf/cmake: detect (not yet released) libjpeg-turbo 2.2 to take into
  its capability of handling both 8-bit JPEG and 12-bit JPEG in a single build.
* autoconf/cmake: detect sphinx-build to build HTML and man pages
* CMakeLists.txt: fix warning with -Wdev
* CMake: correctly set default value of 'lzma' option when liblzma is detected
* CMake: Moved linking of CMath::CMath into CMath_LIBRARY check.
* Fix CMake build to be compatible with FetchContent.
* cmake: Correct duplicate definition of _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS (:issue:`443`)
* cmake: Fixes for Visual Studio 2022.
* Adds Requires.private generation so that pkg-config can correctly find
  the dependencies of libtiff.
* Fix dependency on libm on Android
* cmake: libtiffxx is static on win32
* Fix build in tif_lzw.c
* CMake: Add options for disabling tools, tests, contrib and docs.

Library changes

New/improved functionalities:

* Addition of an open option concept with the new functions
  :c:func:`TIFFOpenExt`, :c:func:`TIFFOpenWExt`, :c:func:`TIFFFdOpenExt`,
  :c:func:`TIFFClientOpenExt`, :c:func:`TIFFOpenOptionsAlloc`,
* Leveraging above mentioned open option concept, addition of a new capability
  to limit the size of a single dynamic memory allocation done
  by the library with :c:func:`TIFFOpenOptionsSetMaxSingleMemAlloc`
* Leveraging above mentioned open option concept, addition of a new capability
  to specify per-TIFF handle re-entrant error and warning callbacks
  with :c:func:`TIFFOpenOptionsSetErrorHandlerExtR` and
* Related to IFD-Loop detection refactoring, the number of IFDs that libtiff
  can browse through has been extended from 65535 to 1048576. This value is
  a build-time setting that can be configured with CMake's TIFF_MAX_DIR_COUNT
  variable or autoconf's --with-max-dir-count option.

API/ABI breaks:

* tdir_t type updated to uint32_t. This type is now used for the return value of
  :c:func:`TIFFCurrentDirectory` and :c:func:`TIFFNumberOfDirectories`, and
  as the argument of :c:func:`TIFFSetDirectory` and :c:func:`TIFFUnlinkDirectory`

Bug fixes:

* TIFFWriteRawStrip(): restore capabilities to append data in the current strip
* _TIFFReadEncodedTileAndAllocBuffer(): avoid excessive memory allocation on
  broken files (:issue:`479`)
* TIFFReadRGBATileExt(): fix (unsigned) integer overflow on strips/tiles > 2 GB
  (oss-fuzz #53137)
* Replace sprintf calls with snprintf to fix warnings on macOS 13 SDK
* Added warning messages for FIELD_IGNORE tags for writing and for
  TIFF_SETGET_UNDEFINED for reading added. (:issue:`438`)
* tif_dirinfo.c: fix TIFFTAG_CLIPPATH tag declaration (:issue:`439`)
* tif_dirinfo.c: fix TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION and _BITSPERSAMPLE tag declaration
* Revised handling of TIFFTAG_INKNAMES and related TIFFTAG_NUMBEROFINKS value
  (:issue:`149`, :issue:`150`, :issue:`152`, :issue:`168`, :issue:`250`,
  :issue:`269`,:issue:`398`, CVE-2022-3599, :issue:`456`)
* TIFFAdvanceDirectory(): fix unsigned-integer-overflow in mapped case
  (oss-fuzz #52309)
* Improved/fixes IFD-Loop Handling (:issue:`455`).
* Update getimage to support large raster images.
* Presetting of default tag values extended (e.g. PlanarConfig). (:issue:`449`)
* Deal with RichTIFFIPTC tag written with LONG type (:issue:`225`)
* TIFFSetValue(): Writing IFD8 & LONG8 tags to ClassicTIFF corrected
* tif_jpeg.c: allow to pass -DEXPECTED_JPEG_LIB_VERSION=number to do optional
  compile-time version check
* TIFFReadFromUserBuffer(): fix clearing of TIFF_CODERSETUP flag that could
  cause issues with reading JPEG compressed files
* _TIFFCheckFieldIsValidForCodec(): return FALSE when passed a codec-specific
  tag and the codec is not configured (:issue:`433`, :issue:`486`,
* Add basic 16 bit cielab support.
* WEBP codec: avoid temporary buffer and memcpy() on whole tile/strip decoding
* tif_predict.c: make horAcc8() work with icc (ICC) 2021.6.0 20220226 -O2

Tools changes

New/improved functionality:

* :program:`tiffinfo`: Updated to parse through SubIFDs and show their tags.

Bug fixes:

* :program:`tiffcrop`: add check if (bps != 1) in writeSingleSection()
* :program:`tiffcrop`: Fix too many 'mode' options on command line
  (:issue:`470` and :issue:`450`)
* :program:`tiffcrop`: Fix memory allocation to require a larger buffer
  (:issue:`271`, :issue:`381`, :issue:`386`, :issue:`388`, :issue:`389`,
  :issue:`435`, CVE-2022-3570, CVE-2022-3598)
* :program:`tiffcrop`: disable incompatibility of -Z, -X, -Y, -z options with
  any PAGE_MODE_x option (:issue:`411`, CVE-2022-3627, :issue:`413`,
  CVE-2022-3597, :issue:`426`, CVE-2022-3626)
* :program:`tiffcrop`: -S option mutually exclusive (:issue:`349`,
  :issue:`414`, :issue:`422`, :issue:`423`, :issue:`424`)
* :program:`tiffcrop`: fix floating-point exception (:issue:`415`,
  :issue:`427`, :issue:`428`, CVE-2022-2056, CVE-2022-2057, CVE-2022-2058)
* :program:`tiff2pdf`: Don't try to seek into stdout (:issue:`441`)
* :program:`tiffinfo`: update curdir from uint16_t to tdir_t for more than 64k
  IFD handling.
