Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/lua-rocks
From: Nikita
Date: 2023-01-04 23:27:08
Message id:

Log Message:
lua-rocks: update to version 3.9.2

## What's new in LuaRocks 3.9.1

* Fixed error message when Lua library is not found
* Fixed build of Windows binary
* A couple of minor feature additions:
  * API: `loader.which` has a new mode for searching `package.path/cpath`
    * Adds a new second argument, `where`, a string which indicates places
      to search for the module. If `where` contains `"l"`, it will search
      using the LuaRocks loader; if it contains `"p"`, it will look in the
      filesystem using `package.path` and `package.cpath`. You can use both
      at the same time.
  * `--no-project` flag can be used to override `.luarocks` project directory

## What's new in LuaRocks 3.9.0

* `builtin` build mode now always respects CC, CFLAGS and LDFLAGS
* Check that lua.h version matches the desired Lua version
* Check that the version of the Lua C library matches the desired Lua version
* Fixed deployment of non-wrapped binaries
* Fixed crash when `--lua-version` option is malformed
* Fixed help message for `--pin` option
* Unix: use native methods and don't always rely on $USER to determine user
* Windows: use native CLI tooling more
* macOS: support .tbd extension when checking for libraries
* macOS: add XCode SDK path to search paths
* macOS: add best-effort heuristic for library search using Homebrew paths
* macOS: avoid quoting issues with LIBFLAG
* macOS: deployment target is now 11.0 on macOS 11+
* added DragonFly BSD support
* LuaRocks test suite now runs on Lua 5.4 and LuaJIT
* Internal dependencies of standalone LuaRocks executable were bumped
