Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/p5-Perl-Critic
From: Wen Heping
Date: 2023-01-08 01:22:27
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 1.148

Upstream changes:
1.148 Sat Jan  7 15:20:07 CST 2023

    [Possible breakage]
    Removed Perl::Critic::Utils::DataConversion. Any add-on policies that used
    it will need to copy the functions from there into their own code.

    ProhibitCascadingIfElse no longer suggests using given/when.

    We no longer require Test::Deep for testing.

    Test::Kwalitee is now only recommended, not required.

    Random microoptimizations, like using hashes for array contents checking,
    and using any() instead of calling grep as a boolean.

1.146 Wed Dec 21 21:05:20 CST 2022

    [New features]
    ProhibitBarewordDirHandles now checks for sysopen as well as open. Thanks,
    Tadeusz Sośnierz. (GH #732)

    Added a Dockerfile in the extras/ directory for those who want to run P::C
    in a container. Thanks, Isaac Gittins. (GH #832)

    Subroutines::ProhibitBuiltinHomonyms now can take an "allows" \ 
parameter to
    specify subroutines that won't violate the policy. Thanks, UTAGAWA Kiki.
    (GH #14, #932)

    ProhibitStringyEval now allows package declarations in evals when
    allow_includes = true. This is a common way packages are declared.
    Thanks, Chris Novakovic. (GH #908)

    [Bug Fixes]
    Fixed some problems with how Perl::Critic determined scope. Thanks, Tom
    Wyant. (GH #793)

    Fixed improper violation for lexical subroutines in
    Subroutines::ProhibitBuiltinHomonyms. Thanks, TOYAMA Nao. (GH #973, #955,

    ValuesAndExpressions::RequireNumberSeparators no longer complains if your
    version numbers do not have number separators in them. Thanks, Tom Wyant.
    (GH #856, #904)

    Fixed a false positive with split() in ProhibitUnusedCapture. Thanks, Tom
    Wyant. (GH #888)

    We no longer use or need IO::String. Thanks, Graham Knop. (GH #997)

    Removed requirements and mentions of modules no longer used:
    * Fatal
    * IO::String
    * IPC::Open2
    * Pod::Parser
    * Task::Weaken

1.144 Mon Dec  5 09:44:04 PM CST 2022

    Perl::Critic now requires Perl 5.10.1.

    [New features]
    The ProhibitAugmentedAssignmentInDeclaration policy now allows augmented
    assignments to "our" variables, if the allow_our option is enabled.
    Thanks, Graham Knop. (GH #993)

    ProhibitExplicitISA now recommends "use parent" instead of \ 
"use base".
    (GH #987)

    RequireUseWarnings now recognizes that "use v5.36" implies warnings.
    Thanks, Andrew Grechkin. (GH #984)

    Subroutines::ProhibitNestedSubs now allows lexical subroutines can
    now be inside of other subroutines. Thanks, TOYAMA Nao. (GH #946,
    #971, #972)

    RequireUseStrict now knows that Test::Spec enables it. (GH #906)

    ProhibitUnusedCapture now understands @{^CAPTURE} and %{^CAPTURE_ALL} that
    were added in Perl 5.26.0. Thanks, Tom Wyant. (GH #778)

    Allow numeric operators on special number strings 'NaN' and 'inf'. Thanks,
    Omer Gazit. (GH #803)

    Miscellanea::ProhibitUselessNoCritic no longer filters out errors about
    itself, just as Miscellanea::ProhibitUnrestrictedNoCritic cannot. Thanks,
    Bernhard Schmalhofer. (GH #939)

    Fixed GH #878: bareword filehandle dies on `open(CHECK, '/foo');`. Thanks,
    Tom Wyant.

    Updated to using Perl 5.10.1. Starting migrating to Perl 5.10-isms like
    defined-or. Thanks, James Raspass.

    Updated some outdated docs in Perl::Critic::Utils. Thanks, Slaven Rezić.
    (GH #951)

1.142 Mon Nov 28 08:12:14 PM CST 2022

    This is the last version of Perl::Critic that will run on Perl 5.6.1.  The
    next release will require Perl 5.10.1.

    [New Features]
    Add new policy InputOutput::ProhibitBarewordDirHandles, comparable to
    ProhibitBarewordFilehanles.  Thanks, raf. (GH #912)

    References::ProhibitDoubleSigils policy now allows for Perl's
    postfix dereference syntax and does not report a policy violation.
    Thanks to Ilya Rassadin (GH #578)

    Added Test::Class::Moose and MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role to the
    list of modules that are equivalent to "use strict".  (GH #808, GH \ 

    Subroutines::RequireArgUnpacking now detects anonymous subroutines with
    attributes, prototypes or signatures.  Thanks, Tom Wyant. (GH #684)

    ProhibitVoidMap and ProhibitVoidGrep now detect void context inside subs,
    such as:

        sub { map { foo($_) } @list; return }

    Thanks, James Raspass. (GH #905)

    RequireArgUnpacking now allows a closure to be recognized as a way that
    subroutine arguments can be unpacked.  This is specified with an optional
    allow_closures configuration option.  Thanks, Tom Wyant. (GH #737)

    ProhibitTwoArgOpen now disallows one-arg opens as well. Also, it
    no longer allows two-arg opening of STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR.  Thanks,
    Dan Book. (GH #652, #653)

    ProhibitLeadingZeros would not handle sysopen and lexical variables
    correctly. This has been fixed. Thanks, Tom Wyant. (GH #789)

    We note that the any() function is available in both List::MoreUtils and

    Added instructions to perlcritic on how to integrate with Visual Studio
    Code.  Thanks, sigzero.

    Switch to using List::SomeUtils instead of List::MoreUtils.
