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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/ruby-faraday-net_http
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2023-01-09 09:45:09
Message id:
Log Message:
www/ruby-faraday-net_http: update to 3.0.2
3.0.2 (2022-11-11)
What's Changed
* Simplify charset parsing by @semaperepelitsa in #28
3.0.1 (2022-10-08)
What's Changed
* Fix ReDos/performance when receiving crafted response headers by
@ooooooo-q in #27
3.0.0 (2022-08-08)
What's Changed
* Add support for the new Faraday streaming API by @iMacTia in #26
Why a 3.0 release? What's the breaking change?
Faraday 2.5 introduces a new streaming API and other changes that we want to
take advantage on. However, releasing a new 2.x version of the gem would
cause it to be pulled in projects where Faraday has not been updated to
v2.5+ yet, causing errors.
For this reason, we're instead releasing this as v3.0, which only the next
(compatible) version of faraday will allow to use.
2.1.0 (2022-07-28)
What's Changed
* Handle verify_hostname ssl option by @kazarin in #23
2.0.3 (2022-05-17)
What's Changed
* Add Errno::EALREADY to list of Net::HTTP exceptions by @iMacTia in #21
2.0.2 (2022-04-10)
What's Changed
* Add Ruby 3.1 to CI by @petergoldstein in #15
* Anchor Encoding references to avoid faraday-encoding conflicts by @nbibler
in #18
2.0.1 (2022-01-05)
* Add back support for Faraday 1.0
2.0.0 (2022-01-04)
What's Changed
* Test on Ruby 3 by @tricknotes in #3
* Update gem to be compatible with Faraday 2.0 by @iMacTia in #9
* chore: Move development deps to Gemfile by @olleolleolle in #10
* refactor: CI: Inline scripts, cache gems by @olleolleolle in #11
* fix: gemspec metadata for changelog notes by @olleolleolle in #12
* Honor Content-Type charset by @xkwd in #13