Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/textproc/hs-doclayout
From: Masatake Daimon
Date: 2023-01-25 16:24:23
Message id:

Log Message:
textproc/hs-doclayout: Update to 0.4

* Expose unfoldD [API change].
* Remove realLengthNoShortcut, isEmojiModifier, and isEmojiJoiner [API
  change] (Stephen Morgan).
* Add new exported functions realLengthNarrowContext,
  realLengthWideContext, realLengthNarrowContextNoShortcut,
  realLengthWideContextNoShortcut, isSkinToneModifier, isZWJ [API change]
  (Stephen Morgan).
* Compute realLength strictly.
* Make getOffset stricter.
* Drop support for ghc <= 8.4, add test for ghc 9.2.
* Don't collapse the CarriageReturn + Newline combination (#20). We want to
  ensure that a literal starting with a Newline doesn't lose the newline if
  it occurs after a CarriageReturn. This affects code blocks in pandoc that
  begin with newlines.
* Improve performance of NoShortcut code (Stephen Morgan).
* Simplify emoji processing (Stephen Morgan).
* Add benchmarking for code with no shortcuts (Stephen Morgan).
* Add to cabal file.
* Fix offset, minOffset, updateColumn so they don't re-render.
* Get unicode block widths directly from the Unicode specification, rather
  than writing it out ourselves (Stephen Morgan).
* Resolve the width of ambiguous characters based on their context (Stephen
* Spacing marks should have nonzero width, even though they are combining
  characters (Stephen Morgan).
* Add shortcuts for extended Latin, Arabic, Cyrillic, Greek, Devangari,
  Bengali, Korean, Telugu, and Tamil (Stephen Morgan).
* Fix location of extra-source-files in cabal.
* update.hs: require text package
* Handle emoji variation modifiers specially, so the keypad emoji can be
  ignored (Stephen Morgan). This results in a 16% speedup of realLength on
  ascii text.
* Add benchmarks for all scripts used by more than 50 million people, plus
  a couple more. (#9, Stephen Morgan).
