Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/math/p5-Math-Matrix
From: Wen Heping
Date: 2023-01-27 05:12:37
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 0.94

Upstream changes:
0.94 2021-01-13

 * Fix broken test in t/mldiv.t The rounding performed for values that are very
   close to an integer was performed on the wrong matrix.

0.93 2021-01-12

 * The test is_deeply() does string comparison, so avoid negative zeros in test
   data and output from tests. Also round test output where the output may be
   slightly off from an integer.

 * Require Math::Trig version 1.06 so Math::Trig::Inf() is available.

 * Update the SUPPORT section to reflect that CPAN RT will be closing down on
   1st March 2021.

 * Add support for negative integer powers in mpow().

0.92 2020-11-02

 * Add a larged amount of new methods. Improve existing methods. Fix
   overloading. This will close most of the remaining CPAN RT tickets.
