Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/hlint
From: Masatake Daimon
Date: 2023-01-28 03:59:27
Message id:

Log Message:
devel/hlint: Update to 3.5

(* = breaking change)

3.5, released 2022-09-20
    #1421, change zip/repeat to map with tuple section
    #1418, add more QuickCheck hints
    #1420, suggest use of Data.Tuple.Extra.both in the extra hints
    #1407, fix some list-comp hints that applied too broadly
    #1407, suggest [ f x | x <- [y] ] to [f y]
    #1417, add some more isAlpha/isDigit suggestions
    #1411, add some empty list equivalent to "" hints
    #1416, add hints for (== True) and other bool/section values
    #1410, remove support for building with GHC 8.10
*   #1410, always default to using ghc-parser instead of the GHC API
*   #1410, upgrade to the GHC 9.4 parse tree
    #1408, evaluate calls of map with empty/singleton lists
    #1409, add notNull hints, e.g. notNull . concat ==> any notNull
    #1406, spot list comprehension that should be lefts/rights
    #1404, add more if/then/else to min or max hints
    #1403, add last . reverse ==> head
    #1397, evaluation rules for minimum/maximum on singleton lists

3.4.1, released 2022-07-10
    #1345, add --generate-config to generate a complete config
    #1345, add --generate-summary-json
    #1377, make anyM/allM on [] produce pure, rather than return
    #1377, add a pure rule for every return variant
    #1380, add counts as comments for --default
    #1372, remove unnecessary brackets when suggesting forM_
    #1372, suggest void (forM x y) to forM_ without the void
    #1394, replace maximum [a, b] ==> max a b (and for min)
    #1393, for QuickCheck, join . elements ==> oneOf
    #1387, bypass camelCase hint for new tasty_... custom test prefix

3.4, released 2022-04-24
    #1360, make -XHaskell2010 still obey CPP pragmas
    #1368, make TH quotation bracket rule off by default
    #1367, add brackets on refactoring templates when needed
    #1348, make module restrict hints more powerful
    #1363, add more hints for <$>
    #1362, add support for language specifier GHC2021
    #1342, make module wildcards work with `within` restrictions
    #1340, include Restriction hints in splitSettings and argsSettings output
    #1330, make ignore: {} not ignore subsequent hints
    #1317, evaluating all/any/allM/anyM on simple lists
    #1303, allow more matches for modules doing `import Prelude ()`
    #1324, add createModuleExWithFixities
    #1336, warn on unused OverloadedRecordDot
    #1334, don't remove TypeApplications if there are type-level type applications
    #1332, suggest using iterate instead of scanl/foldl
    #1331, suggest using min/max instead of if
*   #1247, move to GHC 9.2
