Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/py-ipython
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2023-02-11 13:42:14
Message id:

Log Message:
py-ipython: updated to 8.10.0

IPython 8.10

Out of schedule release of IPython with minor fixes to patch a potential \ 
This is a really low severity CVE that you most likely are not affected by unless:

 - You are on windows.
 - You have a custom build of Python without ``_ctypes``
 - You cd or start IPython or Jupyter in untrusted directory which names may be
   valid shell commands.

You can read more on `the advisory

In addition to fixing this CVE we also fix a couple of outstanding bugs and issues.

As usual you can find the full list of PRs on GitHub under `the 8.10 milestone

In Particular:

 - bump minimum numpy to `>=1.21` version following NEP29. :ghpull:`13930`
 - fix for compatibility with MyPy 1.0. :ghpull:`13933`
 - fix nbgrader stalling when IPython's ``showtraceback`` function is
   monkeypatched. :ghpull:`13934`
