Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/py-test
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2023-03-07 19:58:03
Message id:

Log Message:
py-test: updated to 7.2.2

pytest 7.2.2 (2023-03-03)

Bug Fixes
- Fixed :func:`pytest.approx` handling of dictionaries containing one or more \ 
values of `0.0`.
- Fixed crash if `--cache-show` and `--help` are passed at the same time.
- Fixed bug where a fixture method named ``teardown`` would be called as part of \ 
``nose`` teardown stage.
- Fixed crash if ``--fixtures`` and ``--help`` are passed at the same time.
- Fixed :py:func:`pytest.raises` to return a 'ContextManager' so that \ 
type-checkers could narrow
  :code:`pytest.raises(...) if ... else nullcontext()` down to 'ContextManager' \ 
rather than 'object'.

Improved Documentation
- Added `CI` and `BUILD_NUMBER` environment variables to the documentation.
- Fixed entry-points declaration in the documentation example using Hatch.
- Changed wording of the module level skip to be very explicit
  about not collecting tests and not executing the rest of the module.
