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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/R-httpuv
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2023-03-12 08:20:54
Message id:
Log Message:
(www/R-httpuv) Updated 1.6.5 to 1.6.9
# httpuv 1.6.9
* Fixed #354: The incorrect method was called to clear a `vector`. (#355)
* The `src/Makevars` file no longer sets `CXX_STD=CXX11`, and the
`DESCRIPTION` file no longer lists `SystemRequirements: C++11`,
because newer R versions always support C++11. (#356, #357)
# httpuv 1.6.8
* Fixed #351: A race condition could cause httpuv to crash when
starting the background thread for I/O. (#352)
# httpuv 1.6.7
* Fixed rstudio/shiny#3741: The `TZ` environment variable could get
unset in some cases. (#346)
* Closed #302: Fixed potential thread-safety issues with `timegm2`
implementation. (#346)
# httpuv 1.6.6
* Update docs for CRAN (#343)
* Updated to libuv 1.43.0. (#328)
* Fixed #336: `encodeURI()` and `encodeURIComponent()` printed a space
instead of a leading zero, as in `"% A"` instead of \
`"%0A"`. (#337)