Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/fossil
From: Jonathan Schleifer
Date: 2023-03-12 13:51:18
Message id:

Log Message:
Update devel/fossil to 2.21

Changes for version 2.21 (2023-02-25)

  * Users can request a password reset. This feature is disabledby default. Use \ 
the new self-pw-reset property to enable it. New web pages /resetpw and \ 
/reqpwreset added.
  * Add the fossil repack command (together with fossil all repack) as a \ 
convenient way to optimize the size of one or all of the repositories on a \ 
  * Add the ability to put text descriptions on ticket report formats.
  * Upgrade the test-find-pivot command to the merge-base command.
  * The /chat page can now embed fossil-rendered views of wiki/markdown/pikchr \ 
file attachments with the caveat that such embedding happens in an iframe and \ 
thus does not inherit styles and such from the containing browser window.
  * The fossil all remote subcommand added to "fossil all".
  * Passwords for remembered remote repositories are now stored as irreversible \ 
hashes rather than obscured clear-text, for improved security.
  * Add the "nossl" and "nocompress" options to CGI.
  * Update search infrastructure from FTS4 to FTS5.
  * Add the /deltachain page for debugging purposes.
  * Writes to the database are disabled by default if the HTTP request does not \ 
come from the same origin. This enhancement is a defense in depth measure only; \ 
it does not address any known vulnerabilities.
  * Improvements to automatic detection and mitigation of attacks from malicious \ 
