Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/sysutils/py-psutil
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2023-04-18 09:37:42
Message id:

Log Message:
py-psutil: updated to 5.9.5




- 2196_: in case of exception, display a cleaner error traceback by hiding the
  `KeyError` bit deriving from a missed cache hit.
- 2217_: print the full traceback when a `DeprecationWarning` or `UserWarning`
  is raised.
- 2230_, [OpenBSD]: `psutil.net_connections`_ implementation was rewritten from
  - We're now able to retrieve the path of AF_UNIX sockets (before it was an
    empty string)
  - The function is faster since it no longer iterates over all processes.
  - No longer produces duplicate connection entries.
- 2238_: there are cases where `Process.cwd()`_ cannot be determined
  (e.g. directory no longer exists), in which case we returned either ``None``
  or an empty string. This was consolidated and we now return ``""`` on all
- 2239_, [UNIX]: if process is a zombie, and we can only determine part of the
  its truncated ``_ (15 chars), don't fail with `ZombieProcess`_
  when we try to guess the full name from the `Process.cmdline()`_. Just
  return the truncated name.
- 2240_, [NetBSD], [OpenBSD]: add CI testing on every commit for NetBSD and
  OpenBSD platforms (python 3 only).

**Bug fixes**

- 1043_, [OpenBSD] `psutil.net_connections`_ returns duplicate entries.
- 1915_, [Linux]: on certain kernels, ``"MemAvailable"`` field from
  ``/proc/meminfo`` returns ``0`` (possibly a kernel bug), in which case we
  calculate an approximation for ``available`` memory which matches "free"
  CLI utility.
- 2164_, [Linux]: compilation fails on kernels < 2.6.27 (e.g. CentOS 5).
- 2186_, [FreeBSD]: compilation fails with Clang 15.  (patch by Po-Chuan Hsieh)
- 2191_, [Linux]: `disk_partitions()`_: do not unnecessarily read
  /proc/filesystems and raise `AccessDenied`_ unless user specified `all=False`
- 2216_, [Windows]: fix tests when running in a virtual environment (patch by
  Matthieu Darbois)
- 2225_, [POSIX]: `users()`_ loses precision for ``started`` attribute (off by
  1 minute).
- 2229_, [OpenBSD]: unable to properly recognize zombie processes.
  `NoSuchProcess`_ may be raised instead of `ZombieProcess`_.
- 2231_, [NetBSD]: *available*  `virtual_memory()`_ is higher than *total*.
- 2234_, [NetBSD]: `virtual_memory()`_ metrics are wrong: *available* and
  *used* are too high. We now match values shown by *htop* CLI utility.
- 2236_, [NetBSD]: `Process.num_threads()`_ and `Process.threads()`_ return
  threads that are already terminated.
- 2237_, [OpenBSD], [NetBSD]: `Process.cwd()`_ may raise ``FileNotFoundError``
  if cwd no longer exists. Return an empty string instead.
