Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/graphics/py-tifffile
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2023-04-24 09:03:08
Message id:

Log Message:
py-tifffile: updated to 2023.4.12


- Pass 4988 tests.
- Do not write duplicate ImageDescription tags from extratags (breaking).
- Support multifocal SVS files
- Log warning when filtering out extratags.
- Fix writing OME-TIFF with image description in extratags.
- Ignore invalid predictor tag value if prediction is not used.
- Raise KeyError if ZarrStore is missing requested chunk.


- Fix reading MMstack with missing data


- Fix corruption using tile generators with prediction/compression
- Add parser for Micro-Manager MMStack series (breaking).
- Return micromanager_metadata IndexMap as numpy array (breaking).
- Revert optimizations for Micro-Manager OME series.
- Do not use numcodecs zstd in write_fsspec (kerchunk issue 317).
- More type annotations.


- Fix reading some Micro-Manager metadata from corrupted files.
- Speed up reading Micro-Manager indexmap for creation of OME series.


- Use Micro-Manager indexmap offsets to create virtual TiffFrames.
- Fixes for future imagecodecs.


- Fix overflow in calculation of databytecounts for large NDPI files.


- Fix regression reading layered NDPI files.
- Add option to specify offset in FileHandle.read_array.


- Support reading NDTiffStorage.
- Support reading PIXTIFF compression.
- Support LERC with Zstd or Deflate compression.
- Do not write duplicate and select extratags.
- Allow to write uncompressed image data beyond 4 GB in classic TIFF.
- Add option to specify chunkshape and dtype in FileSequence.asarray.
- Add option for imread to write to output in FileSequence.asarray
- Add function to read GDAL structural metadata.
- Add function to read NDTiff.index files.
- Fix IndexError accessing TiffFile.mdgel_metadata in non-MDGEL files.
- Fix unclosed file ResourceWarning in TiffWriter.
- Fix non-bool predictor arguments
- Relax detection of OME-XML
- Rename some TiffFrame parameters (breaking).
- Deprecate squeeze_axes (will change signature).
- Use defusexml in xml2dict.


- Fix RecursionError in peek_iterator.
- Fix reading NDTiffv3 summary settings.
- Fix svs_description_metadata parsing
- Fix ImportError if Python was built without zlib or lzma.
- Fix bool of COMPRESSION and PREDICTOR instances.
- Deprecate non-sequence extrasamples arguments.
- Parse SCIFIO metadata as ImageJ.


- Fix writing ImageJ format with hyperstack argument.
- Fix writing description with metadata disabled.
- Add option to disable writing shaped metadata in TiffWriter.


- Fix regression using imread out argument
- Fix imshow show argument.
- Support fsspec OpenFile.


- Fix regression writing default resolutionunit
- Add strptime function parsing common datetime formats.


- Fix reading corrupted WebP compressed segments missing alpha channel
- Fix regression reading compressed ImageJ files.


- Rename FileSequence.labels attribute to dims (breaking).
- Rename tifffile_geodb module to geodb (breaking).
- Rename TiffFile._astuple method to astuple (breaking).
- Rename noplots command line argument to maxplots (breaking).
- Fix reading ImageJ hyperstacks with non-TZC order.
- Fix colorspace of JPEG segments encoded by Bio-Formats.
- Fix fei_metadata for HELIOS FIB-SEM
- Add xarray style properties to TiffPage (WIP).
- Add option to specify OME-XML for TiffFile.
- Add option to control multiscales in ZarrTiffStore.
- Support writing to uncompressed ZarrTiffStore.
- Support writing empty images with tiling.
- Support overwriting some tag values in NDPI
- Support Jetraw compression (experimental).
- Standardize resolution parameter and property.
- Deprecate third resolution argument on write (use resolutionunit).
- Deprecate tuple type compression argument on write (use compressionargs).
- Deprecate enums in TIFF namespace (use enums from module).
- Improve default number of threads to write compressed segments
- Parse metaseries time values as datetime objects
- Increase internal read and write buffers to 256 MB.
- Convert some warnings to debug messages.
- Declare all classes final.
- Add script to generate documentation via Sphinx.
- Convert docstrings to Google style with Sphinx directives.


- Allow to write NewSubfileType=0
- Support writing iterators of strip or tile bytes.
- Convert iterables (not iterators) to NumPy arrays when writing.
- Explicitly specify optional keyword parameters for imread and imwrite.
- Return number of written bytes from FileHandle write functions.


- Add option to specify fsspec version 1 URL template name
- Ignore invalid dates in UIC tags
- Fix zlib_encode and lzma_encode to work with non-contiguous arrays
- Fix delta_encode to preserve byteorder of ndarrays.
- Move Imagecodecs fallback functions to private module and add tests.


- Fix AttributeError in TiffFile.shaped_metadata
- Fix TiffTag.overwrite with pre-packed binary value.
- Write sparse TIFF if tile iterator contains None.
- Raise ValueError when writing photometric mode with too few samples.
- Improve test coverage.


- Add type hints for Python 3.10 (WIP).
- Fix Mypy errors (breaking).
- Mark many parameters positional-only or keyword-only (breaking).
- Remove deprecated pages parameter from imread (breaking).
- Remove deprecated compress and ijmetadata write parameters (breaking).
- Remove deprecated fastij and movie parameters from TiffFile (breaking).
- Remove deprecated multifile parameters from TiffFile (breaking).
- Remove deprecated tif parameter from TiffTag.overwrite (breaking).
- Remove deprecated file parameter from FileSequence.asarray (breaking).
- Remove option to pass imread class to FileSequence (breaking).
- Remove optional parameters from __str__ functions (breaking).
- Rename TiffPageSeries.offset to dataoffset (breaking)
- Change TiffPage.pages to None if no SubIFDs are present (breaking).
- Change TiffPage.index to int (breaking).
- Change TiffPage.is_contiguous, is_imagej, and is_shaped to bool (breaking).
- Add TiffPage imagej_description and shaped_description properties.
- Add TiffFormat abstract base class.
- Deprecate lazyattr and use functools.cached_property instead (breaking).
- Julian_datetime raises ValueError for dates before year 1 (breaking).
- Regressed import time due to typing.


- Add _ARRAY_DIMENSIONS attributes to ZarrTiffStore.
- Allow C instead of S axis when writing OME-TIFF.
- Fix writing OME-TIFF with separate samples.
- Fix reading unsqueezed pyramidal OME-TIFF series.


- Fix another ValueError using ZarrStore with zarr >= 2.11.0
- Add parser for Hamamatsu streak metadata.
- Improve hexdump.


- Use multi-threading to compress strips and tiles.
- Raise TiffFileError when reading corrupted strips and tiles
- Fix ScanImage single channel count
- Add parser for AstroTIFF FITS metadata.


- Fix ValueError using multiscale ZarrStore with zarr >= 2.11.0.
- Raise KeyError if ZarrStore does not contain key.
- Limit number of warnings for missing files in multifile series.
- Allow to save colormap to 32-bit ImageJ files


- Fix TypeError when second ImageDescription tag contains non-ASCII
- Fix parsing IJMetadata with many IJMetadataByteCounts
- Detect MicroManager NDTiffv2 header (not tested).
- Remove cache from ZarrFileSequenceStore (use zarr.LRUStoreCache).
- Raise limit on maximum number of pages.
- Use J2K format when encoding JPEG2000 segments.
- Formally deprecate imsave and
- Drop support for Python 3.7 and NumPy < 1.19 (NEP29).
