Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/games/lgogdownloader
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2023-04-26 21:40:02
Message id:

Log Message:
lgogdownloader: update to 3.11.


    Fixed cookies getting overwritten
        Sometimes curl handles in downloader and galaxy api class could \ 
overwrite cookies with blank cookies
        Fixed this by not setting CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR by default and only using it \ 
for curl handles in website class


    Added support for cloud saves (Patch by: loki-47-6F-64)

    Added initial support for ignoring DLCs with --galaxy-install
        Supports ignoring all DLCs when installing game with --galaxy-install

    Fixed MojoSetup hack for files that have missing XML data
        Tries to get file size using Content-Length header if XML data is missing

    Extended global flag bSizeOnly into status text generation (Patch by: Gordon)

    Added option to set message verbosity level
        Replaced --verbose option with --verbosity to better control message \ 

    Fixed core dump with libcurl >= 7.87.0

    Slightly nicer libcurl cleanup (Patch by: David Donátek)

    Don't use depracated libcurl options

    Refactored login code
        Users can now get around reCATPCHA without the downloader being built \ 
with GUI enabled by using their browser to login

    Removed --list-details option

    Removed --list-tags option

    Changed --list option so it can be used to select what info to print
        "games" is the same as --list previously
        "details" is the same as --list-details previously
        "json" is JSON formatted output
        "tags" is the same as --list-tags previously
        The default implicit value is "games" (meaning --list is the \ 
same as --list "games")

    Remove make dependency on grep and readelf
        These were not actually needed since support for OpenSSL <= 1.0.2 was \ 
removed in version 3.9 but I forgot to remove the requirement at the time
