Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/sysutils/py-watchdog
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2023-05-05 13:39:41
Message id:

Log Message:
py-watchdog: update to 3.0.0.


- Drop support for Python 3.6.
- ``watchdog`` is now PEP 561 compatible, and tested with ``mypy``
- Fix missing ``>`` in ``FileSystemEvent.__repr__()``  (`#980 \ 
- [ci] Lots of improvements
- [inotify] Return from ``InotifyEmitter.queue_events()`` if not launched when \ 
thread is inactive (`#963 \ 
- [tests] Stability improvements
- [utils] Remove handling of ``threading.Event.isSet`` spelling (`#962 \ 
- [watchmedo] Fixed tricks YAML generation (`#965 \ 
- Thanks to our beloved contributors: @kurtmckee, @altendky, @agroszer, @BoboTiG


- Run ``black`` on the entire source code
- Bundle the ``requirements-tests.txt`` file in the source distribution (`#939 \ 
- [watchmedo] Exclude ``FileOpenedEvent`` events from ``AutoRestartTrick``, and \ 
``ShellCommandTrick``, to restore watchdog < 2.3.0 behavior. A better \ 
solution should be found in the future. (`#949 \ 
- [watchmedo] Log ``FileOpenedEvent``, and ``FileClosedEvent``, events in \ 
- Thanks to our beloved contributors: @BoboTiG


- [inotify] Add support for ``IN_OPEN`` events: a ``FileOpenedEvent`` event will \ 
be fired (`#941 <>`__)
- [watchmedo] Add optional event debouncing for ``auto-restart``, only \ 
restarting once if many events happen in quick succession \ 
(``--debounce-interval``) (`#940 \ 
- [watchmedo] Exit gracefully on ``KeyboardInterrupt`` exception (Ctrl+C) (`#945 \ 
- [watchmedo] Add option to not auto-restart the command after it exits \ 
(``--no-restart-on-command-exit``) (`#946 \ 
- Thanks to our beloved contributors: @BoboTiG, @dstaple, @taleinat, @cernekj


- Enable ``mypy`` to discover type hints as specified in PEP 561 (`#933 \ 
- [ci] Set the expected Python version when building release files
- [ci] Update actions versions in use
- [watchmedo] [regression] Fix usage of missing ``signal.SIGHUP`` attribute on \ 
non-Unix OSes (`#935 \ 
- Thanks to our beloved contributors: @BoboTiG, @simon04, @piotrpdev


- [build] Wheels are now available for Python 3.11 (`#932 \ 
- [documentation] HTML documentation builds are now tested for errors (`#902 \ 
- [documentation] Fix typos here, and there (`#910 \ 
- [fsevents2] The ``fsevents2`` observer is now deprecated (`#909 \ 
- [tests] The error message returned by musl libc for error code ``-1`` is now \ 
allowed (`#923 <>`__)
- [utils] Remove unnecessary code in ```` (`#930 \ 
- [watchmedo] Handle shutdown events from ``SIGHUP`` (`#912 \ 
- Thanks to our beloved contributors: @kurtmckee, @babymastodon, \ 
@QuantumEnergyE, @timgates42, @BoboTiG
