Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/py-pelican
From: Nils Ratusznik
Date: 2023-05-14 20:07:55
Message id:

Log Message:
Updated www/py-pelican to version 4.8.0.

Pkgsrc changes :
* updated dependencies : removed py-six and added py-rich

Upstream changes :

- Pelican 4.5.1 :
  * Refactor intra-site link discovery in order to match more permissively
  * Fix plugins running twice in auto-reload mode
  * Add notice to use from pelican import signals instead of
    import pelican.signals
- Pelican 4.5.2 : Improve logging of generators and writer loaders
- Pelican 4.5.3 : Fix a mistake made in PR #2821
- Pelican 4.5.4 : Replace plugin definitions in settings with string
  representations after registering, so they can be cached correctly.
- Pelican 4.6.0 :
  * Add new URL pattern to PAGINATION_PATTERNS for the last page in the list
  * Speed up livereload Invoke task via caching
  * Ignore None return value from get_generators signal
  * Relax dependency minimum versions and remove upper bounds
- Pelican 4.7.0 :
  * Improve default theme rendering on mobile and other small screen devices
  * Add support for hidden articles
  * Improve word count behavior when generating summary CJK & other locales
  * Add progress spinner during generation and richer logging, both via Rich
  * Invoke tasks serve and livereload now auto-open a web browser pointing to
    the locally-served web site
  * Support some date format codes used by ISO dates
  * Document how to add a new writer
- Pelican 4.7.1 :
  * Extend rich logging to server component
  * Fix an issue where metadata flagged to be discarded was being cached
  * Adjust suffix in server to allow redirection when needed
  * Add MIME types for web fonts
  * Distribute sample data used to run tests
  * Add Python 3.10 to test matrix
- Pelican 4.7.2 :
  * Fix incorrect parsing of parameters specified via -e / --extra-settings
    option flags
  * Add categories.html template to default theme
  * Document how to use plugins to inject content
- Pelican 4.8.0 :
  * Use JSON values for extra settings in Invoke tasks template
  * Add content tag for links, which can help with things like Twitter
    social cards
  * Improve word count behavior when generating summary
