Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/shells/nushell
From: pin
Date: 2023-05-17 23:33:35
Message id:

Log Message:
shells/nushell: update to 0.80.0

Themes of this release / New features
 - Record type annotations (@1Kinoti)
   Starting with this release, you can add more information about the type of
   a record your command expects. For example:

     def okay [person: record<name: string age: int>] {}

   The above will require two fields to be present, a name that's a string, and
   an age that's an int. The current version requires that the record has
   exactly these fields, though we may loosen this in future releases to allow
   for structural subtyping.
 - Modules from directories (@Kubouch)
   It is now possible to create a module from a directory. The directory must
   contain and all other .nu files are added as a submodule of the
   module. This allows some traditional shell patterns such as dumping
   completion files into a directory to be loaded automatically. Check out the
   newly updated book chapter for more details and examples.

   The enabling feature for module directories was organizing modules into
   submodule structure instead of solely relying on re-importing symbols with
   export use. module and especially export module have been added as a result
   of this change. While not immediately visible, the module update allows for
   cleaner submodule oganization without relying on re-exporting symbols with
   export use. Since modules are now aware of their submodules, in the future
   we hope to improve discoverability of definitions within modules, enhancing
   our IDE support (such as our LSP).

 - Stdlib update ([@amtoine, @EmilySeville7cfg, @skelly37, @YummyOreo]
   [std-lib PRs])

Breaking changes
 - #8940 Change type of parameter default values to Option<Value>
 - #9007 Fix unexpected flattening of data by par-each (Issue #8497)
 - #9056 REFACTOR: remove deprecated commands (old-alias)
