Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/sysutils/packer
From: Iku Iwasa
Date: 2023-06-03 03:32:07
Message id:

Log Message:
packer: update to 1.9.1

1.9.1 (June 1, 2023)


* On May 16th 2023, HCP introduced multi-project support to the
platform. In order to use multiple projects in your organization, you will
need to update Packer to version 1.9.1 or above. Starting with 1.9.1, you
may specify a project ID to push builds to with the HCP_PROJECT_ID
environment variable. If no project ID is specified, Packer will pick the
project with the oldest creation date. Older versions of Packer are
incompatible with multi-project support on HCP, and builds will fail for
HCP organizations with multiple projects on versions before 1.9.1. GH-12453

1.9.0 (May 31, 2023)

* Breaking Change: Iteration fingerprints used to be computed from the Git
SHA of the repository where the template is located when running packer
build. This changes with this release, and now fingerprints are
automatically generated as a ULID. This implies that continuing an existing
iteration will require users to define the fingerprint in the environment
manually in order to adopt this behaviour, otherwise, by default, a new
iteration will be created. This does not impact workflows where the
fingerprint was defined through the HCP_PACKER_ITERATION_FINGERPRINT
environment variable, and these builds will work exactly as they did
before. GH-12172

* Breaking Change: Community-maintained plugins bundled with the Packer
binary have been removed. These external plugin components are released
independently of Packer core and can be installed directly by the
user. Users relying on the external plugin components listed below should
refer to the packer plugins sub-command and, if using HCL2, a
required_plugins block to define a list of plugins for building a template.


* Remove provisioner plugins for Chef, Converge, Puppet, Salt, and Inspec
as vendored plugins. These plugins have been previously archived and not
updated in release since being archived. These plugins can be installed
using packer init or with the Packer plugins sub-command packer plugins
install GH-12374

* The following community plugins won't be bundled with Packer anymore:
  - Alicloud
  - CloudStack
  - HCloud
  - HyperOne
  - Hyper-V
  - JDCloud
  - LXC
  - LXD
  - NCloud
  - OpenStack
  - Proxmox
  - TencentCloud
  - Triton
  - Yandex

  Users: relying on these external plugin components should refer to the
  packer plugins sub-command and, if using HCL2, a required_plugins block to
  define a list of plugins to use for building a template.


* core/hcp: Now, fingerprints used by HCP Packer are randomly generated
ULIDs instead of a Git SHA, and a new one is always generated, unless one
is specified in the environment. GH-12172


* Fix LDFLAGS for release pipelines: Between Packer 1.8.5 and Packer 1.8.7,
changes to the LDFLAGS in use for building the binaries for Packer had
mistakenly removed some compilation flags, leading to the final binaries
not being stripped. This change raised the size of the built binaries by as
much as 45%. In this release, we fixed the LDFLAGS during compilation,
yielding leaner binaries.

* Bumped gopsutil to v3. This fixes a macOS intermittent crash reported by
the community GH-12430
