Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/R-tinytest
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2023-06-10 15:31:33
Message id:

Log Message:
(devel/R-tinytest) Updated 1.3.1 to 1.4.1

version 1.4.1
- expect_warning and expect_message gain argument 'strict'. This toggles
  between failing when an exception worse than the expected one is thrown.
  (Thanks to Joshua Ulrich for the suggestion)
- New function 'expect_length' checks length of object (thanks to Marcel Ramos
  for suggesting).
- New function 'exit_if': conditionally exit a test file, akin to stopifnot.
  (Thanks to Grant McDermott for triggering this).
- New function 'expect_match' to test whether string output(s) match a
  regular expression (Thanks to Aaron Jacobs for the suggestion).
- package has no logo now, thanks to Reto Stauffer!
- 'build_install_test' gains 'color' argument (thanks to Tim Taylor
  for suggesting)
- 'run_test_file' and 'build_install_test' gain 'encoding' argument that
  is passed to 'parse' for reading test files (thanks to Vincent Goulet
  for suggesting).
- exit_file() is now safeguarded against non-character argument.
- Fixed reporting issue for class labels on conditions. (thanks to dherz
  for reporting)
- Fixed bug: multiple extension packages are now possible (thanks
  to Vincent Arel-Bundock for the PR)
