Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/hugo
From: Benny Siegert
Date: 2023-06-17 11:49:25
Message id:

Log Message:
hugo: update to 0.113.0

This release adds TLS/HTTPS support to hugo server entirely backed by mkcert. We
still default to http which is recommended and good enough for 99% of the Hugo
use, but there are some situations where you really need it.

We have added a new sub command and some new flags to hugo server to enable this:

# Installs a local CA in the system root store. You only need to do this once.
hugo server trust

#  Generates locally-trusted certificates (if not already created) and starts
#  the server with TLS/HTTPS enabled.
hugo server --tlsAuto

Note that we just delegate to mkcert using its default settings, so all of their
documentation is relevant.

If you have obtained the TLS certificate and key file by other means, you can
use the --tlsCertFile and --tlsKeyFile flags. When --tlsAuto or --tlsCertFile
and --tlsKeyFile is set and no --baseURL is provided as a flag, the server is
started with TLS and https as the protocol.
