Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/R-renv
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2023-06-18 16:10:23
Message id:

Log Message:
(devel/R-renv) Updated 0.16.0 to 0.17.3

# renv 0.17.3

* Fixed an issue where `renv::install("bioc::<package>")` could \ 
fail if
  `BiocManager` was not already installed. (#1184)

* Fixed an issue where package names were not included in the output
  of `renv::diagnostics()`. (#1182)

* The clarity of the message printed by `renv::status()` has been improved;
  in particular, `renv` should better report the recommended actions when
  a package required by the project is not installed.

* `renv::snapshot()` gains the `exclude` argument, for explicitly
  excluding certain packages from the generated lockfile.

* Fixed an issue where `renv` was passing the wrong argument name to
  `installed.packages()`, causing usages of `renv` to fail with
  R (<= 3.4.0). (#1173)

* `renv` now sets the `SDKROOT` environment variable on macOS if it detects
  that R was built using an LLVM build of `clang` on macOS.

* `renv::install()` now parses the remotes included within, for example,
  a `DESCRIPTION` file's `Config/Needs/...` field.

* `renv` now checks that the index directory is writable before attempting to
  use it, e.g. for the `R` available packages index maintained by `renv`. (#1171)

* `renv` now checks that the version of `curl` used for downloads appears to
  be functional, and reports a warning if it does not (for example, because
  a requisite system library is missing). The version of `curl` used for
  downloads can also be configured via the `RENV_CURL_EXECUTABLE` environment

# renv 0.17.2

* Fixed a regression that caused package hashes to be computed incorrectly
  in some cases. This was a regression in the 0.17.1 release. (#1168)

# renv 0.17.1

* `renv` gains the configuration option `install.remotes`, which can be used
  to control whether `renv` attempts to read and use the `Remotes:` field
  included with installed packages. This can be set to `FALSE` if you'd
  like to ignore this field; e.g. because you know they will not be
  accessible. (#1133)

* General performance optimizations. In particular, `renv::update(check = TRUE)`
  should now execute much faster.

* `renv` now stores project settings within `renv/settings.json` rather than
  `renv/settings.dcf`. Old settings will be automatically migrated.

* The `renv` sandbox is now placed within the `renv` cache directory. (#1158)

* Fixed an issue where `renv::status()` could erroneously report a project was
  out-of-sync when using explicit snapshots. (#1159)

* Fixed an issue where `renv::hydrate()` would print spurious warnings. (#1160)

* `renv::status()` now suggests running `renv::restore()` if there are no
  packages installed in the project library. (#1060)

* Fixed an issue where `renv` would fail to query \ 
  repositories. (#1156)

* `renv` no longer tries to set the `SDKROOT` environment variable on
  macOS for R (>= 4.0.0).

* Fixed an issue where installation of Bioconductor packages could fail
  when `BiocManager` was not installed. (#1156, #1155)

* Fixed an issue where the amount of time elapsed reported by `renv::install()`
  failed to include the time spent retrieving packages.

# renv 0.17.0

* The performance of `renv::snapshot()` has improved.

* `renv` now maintains an index of available packages, as retrieved from the
  active package repositories, that is shared across `R` sessions. This should
  improve `renv`'s performance when querying for available packages across
  multiple different `R` sessions.

* `renv::hydrate()` gains the `prompt` parameter. When `TRUE` (the default),
  `renv` will prompt for confirmation before attempting to hydrate the active

* Improved handling of package installation via SSH URLs with `git`. (#667)

* Improved handling of R version validation when using projects with
  Bioconductor. If you find `renv` is erroneously reporting that your version
  of R is incompatible with the version of Bioconductor you are using, you can
  set `options(renv.bioconductor.validate = FALSE)` to disable this validation
  behaviour. (#1148)

* Package names can now be associated with remotes in `renv::install()`; for
  example, you can use `renv::install("igraph=igraph/rigraph")` to install
  the `igraph` package. This is mainly important when using the `renv.auth`
  authentication tools, where the package name of a remote needs to be
  declared explicitly. (#667)

* Fixed an issue that could prevent `renv::restore()` from functioning when
  attempting to install packages which had been archived on CRAN. (#1141)

* `renv::install()` gains the `dependencies` argument, which behaves similarly
  to the equivalent argument in `remotes::install_*()`. In particular, this can
  be set to fields like `Config/Needs/dev` to tell `renv` to use custom
  DESCRIPTION fields for dependency resolution in installation.

* Fixed an issue where the function variant of the `renv.auth` option was not
  resolved correctly. (#667)

* `renv::install()` now supports remotes with a trailing slash -- such slashes
  are now removed. (#1135)

* Integration with the RStudio (Posit) Package Manager is now disabled
  by default on aarch64 Linux instances.

* The `RENV_CACHE_MODE` environment variable can now also be used
  to adjust the permissions set on downloaded package tarballs / binaries.

* Fixed an issue where fields of the form `Remotes.1` could
  enter lockfile records for older versions of R. (#736)

* Fixed the performance of `renv::update()` in cases where
  integration with MRAN is enabled.

* Fixed an issue where package installation using `pak` could fail
  in some cases.

* `renv_file_find()` can now scan up to the root directory in Docker
  containers. (#1115)

* `renv` no longer uses the R temporary directory on Windows for the
  sandbox. The sandbox directory can be customized via the
  `RENV_PATHS_SANDBOX` environment variable if required. (#835)

* `renv` now reports the elapsed time when installing packages. (#1104)

* For projects using "explicit" snapshots, `renv` now reports if
  a package is required by the project, but the package is not
  currently installed. (#949)

* Fixed an issue where `renv::snapshot()` could fail to detect when
  no changes had been made to the lockfile.

* Fixed an issue where `renv` could emit JSON lockfiles which could not
  be parsed by external JSON readers. (#1102)

* `renv` now marks the sandbox as non-writable, which should hopefully
  alleviate issues where attempts to update installed packages would
  inadvertently install the updated package into the sandbox. (#1090)

* `renv::use()` gains the `sandbox` argument, which allows one to control
  whether the system library is sandboxed after a call to `renv::use()`.

* The path to the Conda `environment.yml` file created by `renv` can
  now be customized via the `RENV_PATHS_CONDA_EXPORT` environment
  variable. We recommend setting this within your project-local
  `.Renviron` file as appropriate. (#1089)

* Fixed an issue where the `renv` sandbox location did not respect the
  active `renv` profile. (#1088)
