Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/net/gh
From: Leonardo Taccari
Date: 2023-08-17 23:32:47
Message id:

Log Message:
gh: Update to 2.32.1

GitHub CLI 2.32.1
- Bug fixes

GitHub CLI 2.32.0
## gh ruleset
Repository Rulesets are in beta on git hub dot com and they are now
also in beta on git hub sea ell eye. You can list, view, and check
branches against rulesets set at the repository or organization level.
Major shoutouts to @vaindil for this big contribution]. My favorite
command in here is `gh rs check <branch>` which will tell you what
rules would apply to a hypothetical branch name. To learn more, run `gh
help ruleset`.

## gh cache
`gh cache` is a new top level command in our suite of support for
Actions. It lets you list and delete caches saved in Actions.

- Minor improvements
- Bug fixes

GitHub CLI 2.31.0
- New suite of `project` commands for interacting with and manipulating projects.
- New `search code` command
- New `cs view` command
- Minor improvements
- Bug fixes
