Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/lang
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2023-09-02 16:49:39
Message id:

Log Message:
lang/php81: update to 8.1.23

31 Aug 2023, PHP 8.1.23

- CLI:
  . Fixed bug GH-11716 (cli server crashes on SIGINT when compiled with
    ZEND_RC_DEBUG=1). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-10964 (Improve man page about the built-in server).
    (Alexandre Daubois)

- Core:
  . Fixed strerror_r detection at configuration time. (Kévin Dunglas)

- Date:
  . Fixed bug GH-11416: Crash with DatePeriod when uninitialised objects
    are passed in. (Derick)

- DOM:
  . Fix DOMEntity field getter bugs. (nielsdos)
  . Fix incorrect attribute existence check in DOMElement::setAttributeNodeNS.
  . Fix DOMCharacterData::replaceWith() with itself. (nielsdos)
  . Fix empty argument cases for DOMParentNode methods. (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-11791 (Wrong default value of DOMDocument::xmlStandalone).
  . Fix json_encode result on DOMDocument. (nielsdos)
  . Fix manually calling __construct() on DOM classes. (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-11830 (ParentNode methods should perform their checks
    upfront). (nielsdos)
  . Fix segfault when DOMParentNode::prepend() is called when the child
    disappears. (nielsdos)

- FFI:
  . Fix leaking definitions when using FFI::cdef()->new(...). (ilutov)

- MySQLnd:
  . Fixed bug GH-11440 (authentication to a sha256_password account fails over
    SSL). (nielsdos)
  . Fixed bug GH-11438 (mysqlnd fails to authenticate with sha256_password
    accounts using passwords longer than 19 characters).
    (nielsdos, Kamil Tekiela)
  . Fixed bug GH-11550 (MySQL Statement has a empty query result when
    the response field has changed, also Segmentation fault).
  . Fixed invalid error message "Malformed packet" when connection is \ 
    (Kamil Tekiela)

- Opcache:
  . Fixed bug GH-11715 (opcache.interned_strings_buffer either has no effect or
    opcache_get_status() / phpinfo() is wrong). (nielsdos)
  . Avoid adding an unnecessary read-lock when loading script from shm if
    restart is in progress. (mikhainin)

  . Revert behaviour of receiving SIGCHLD signals back to the behaviour
    before 8.1.22. (nielsdos)

- SPL:
  . Fixed bug #81992 (SplFixedArray::setSize() causes use-after-free).

- Standard:
  . Prevent int overflow on $decimals in number_format. (Marc Bennewitz)
  . Fixed bug GH-11870 (Fix off-by-one bug when truncating tempnam prefix)
