Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/asdf
From: Amitai Schleier
Date: 2023-09-11 22:19:21
Message id:

Log Message:
asdf: update to 0.13.0. From the changelog:

### Breaking changes

* `plugin list` exit code 0 when no plugins are installed ([#1597])
* 0 exit code for success when adding an existing plugin ([#1598])
* fish: don't resolve symlinks for ASDF_DIR ([#1583])

### Features

* add plugin location when update the plugin ([#1602])

### Patches

* `plugin list` exit code 0 when no plugins are installed ([#1597])
* 0 exit code for success when adding an existing plugin ([#1598])
* fish: don't resolve symlinks for ASDF_DIR ([#1583])
* improve lint and test scripts ([#1607])
* Make compatible with Fish 3.1.2 ([#1590])
* no longer write temporary files to home directory ([#1592])
* nushell language syntax update ([#1624])
* set default shell version values on POSIX entrypoint ([#1594])
* warn when any ./lib/commands are marked as executable ([#1593])

### Documentation

* `bin/latest-stable` empty query is set to default ([#1591])
* migrate to VitePress from VuePress ([#1578])
* upgrade deps & fix breaking changes ([446f8c5])
