Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/sysutils/ansible
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2023-10-12 09:16:43
Message id:

Log Message:
ansible: updated to 8.5.0


- ec2_ami - add support for ``org_arns`` and ``org_unit_arns`` in \ 
launch_permissions \ 
- elb_application_lb_info - drop redundant ``describe_load_balancers`` call \ 
fetching ``ip_address_type`` \ 


- cargo - add option ``executable``, which allows user to specify path to the \ 
cargo binary \ 
- cargo - add option ``locked`` which allows user to specify install the locked \ 
version of dependency instead of latest compatible version \ 
- dig lookup plugin - add TCP option to enable the use of TCP connection during \ 
DNS lookup (
- gitlab_group - add option ``force_delete`` (default: false) which allows \ 
delete group even if projects exists in it \ 
- ini_file - add ``ignore_spaces`` option \ 
- newrelic_deployment - add option ``app_name_exact_match``, which filters \ 
results for the exact app_name provided \ 
- onepassword lookup plugin - introduce ``account_id`` option which allows \ 
specifying which account to use \ 
- onepassword_raw lookup plugin - introduce ``account_id`` option which allows \ 
specifying which account to use \ 
- parted - on resize, use ``--fix`` option if available \ 
- pnpm - set correct version when state is latest or version is not mentioned. \ 
Resolves previous idempotency problem \ 
- proxmox - add ``vmid`` (and ``taskid`` when possible) to return values \ 
- random_string - added new ``ignore_similar_chars`` and ``similar_chars`` \ 
option to ignore certain chars \ 
- redfish_command - add new option ``update_oem_params`` for the \ 
``MultipartHTTPPushUpdate`` command \ 
- redfish_config - add ``CreateVolume`` command to allow creation of volumes on \ 
servers (
- redfish_config - adding ``SetSecureBoot`` command \ 
- redfish_info - add support for ``GetBiosRegistries`` command \ 
- redfish_info - adds ``LinkStatus`` to NIC inventory \ 
- redis_info - refactor the redis_info module to use the redis module_utils \ 
enabling to pass TLS parameters to the Redis client \ 
- supervisorctl - allow to stop matching running processes before removing them \ 
with ``stop_before_removing=true`` \ 


- virt - add `mutate_flags` parameter to enable XML mutation (add UUID, MAC \ 
addresses from existing domain) \ 
- virt - support ``--diff`` for ``define`` command \ 


- api_info - add new ``include_read_only`` option to select behavior for \ 
read-only values. By default these are not returned \ 
- api_info, api_modify - add support for ``address-list`` and \ 
``match-subdomain`` introduced by RouterOS 7.7 in the ``ip dns static`` path \ 
- api_info, api_modify - add support for ``user``, ``time`` and ``gmt-offset`` \ 
under the ``system clock`` path \ 
- api_info, api_modify - add support for the ``interface ppp-client`` path \ 
- api_info, api_modify - add support for the ``interface wireless`` path \ 
- api_info, api_modify - add support for the ``iot modbus`` path \ 
- api_info, api_modify - add support for the ``ip dhcp-server option`` and ``ip \ 
dhcp-server option sets`` paths \ 
- api_info, api_modify - add support for the ``ip upnp interfaces``, ``tool \ 
graphing interface``, ``tool graphing resource`` paths \ 
- api_info, api_modify - add support for the ``ipv6 firewall nat`` path \ 
- api_info, api_modify - add support for the ``mode`` property in ``ip neighbor \ 
discovery-settings`` introduced in RouterOS 7.7 \ 
- api_info, api_modify - add support for the ``port remote-access`` path \ 
- api_info, api_modify - add support for the ``routing filter rule`` and \ 
``routing filter select-rule`` paths \ 
- api_info, api_modify - add support for the ``routing table`` path in RouterOS \ 
7 (
- api_info, api_modify - add support for the ``tool netwatch`` path in RouterOS \ 
7 (
- api_info, api_modify - add support for the ``user settings`` path \ 
- api_info, api_modify - add support for the ``user`` path \ 
- api_info, api_modify - finalize fields for the ``interface wireless \ 
security-profiles`` path and enable it \ 
- api_info, api_modify - finalize fields for the ``ppp profile`` path and enable \ 
it (
- api_modify - add new ``handle_read_only`` and ``handle_write_only`` options to \ 
handle the module's behavior for read-only and write-only fields \ 
- api_modify, api_info - support API paths ``routing id``, ``routing bgp \ 
connection`` \ 


- add moid property in the return value for the \ 
- add new snapshot_id option to the vmware_guest_snapshot \ 


- Added Ansible role to support installation and uninstallation of Gateway.
- Added Ansible role to support installation and uninstallation of SDR.
- Added Ansible role to support installation and uninstallation of Web UI.


- Add check for Curl and failure step if Agent Version is not retrieved
- Allow alert resource provisioning in Grafana Role
- Bump cryptography from 39.0.2 to 41.0.3
- Bump cryptography from 41.0.3 to 41.0.4
- Bump semver from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2
- Bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.5
- Create local dashboard directory in check mode
- Create missing notification directory in Grafana Role
- Remove check_mode from create local directory task in Grafana Role
- Remove dependency on from Grafana Agent role
- Update CI Testing
- Update Cloud Stack Module failures
- Use 'ansible_system' env variable to detect os typ in Grafana Agent Role
- hange grafana Agent Wal and Positions Directory in Grafana Agent Role


- ovirt_vm - Add tpm_enabled \ 
- storage_error_resume_behaviour - Support VM storage error resume behaviour \ 
"auto_resume", "kill", "leave_paused". \ 
- vm_infra - Support boot disk renaming and resizing. \ 


- purefb_bucket_replica - Added support for cascading replica links
- purefb_info - New fields to display free space (remaining quota) for Accounts \ 
and Buckets. Space used by destroyed buckets is split out from virtual field to \ 
new destroyed_virtual field
- purefb_info - Report encryption state in SMB client policy rules
- purefb_info - Report more detailed space data from Purity//FB 4.3.0
- purefb_policy - Add deny effect for object store policy rules. Requires \ 
Purity//FB 4.3.0+
- purefb_policy - Added parameter to define object store policy description

- inventory - Added VPC/VPC 2.0 support by adding ``internal_ip`` to the \ 
attributes (
