Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/libadwaita
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2023-10-15 10:30:08
Message id:

Log Message:
libadwaita: update to 1.4.0.

Version 1.4.0

- AdwBreakpointBin
  - Clarify minimum size warnings
- AdwExpanderRow
  - Improve accessible roles
- AdwPreferencesGroup
  - Set described-by on the listbox
- Docs
  - Fix a property name in breakpoint migration guide
- Stylesheet
  - Fix toolbar view styles within sidebars
  - Fix .navigation-sidebar:disabled style when used with GtkListView
- Build system fixes

Version 1.4.rc

- AdwAboutWindow
  - Accessibility fixes
  - Add a minimum size
- AdwExpanderRow
  - Accessibility fixes
- AdwHeaderBar
  - Fix missing title fallback for back button tooltip and history menu
  - Set "Back" as an accessible label for the back button
  - Clarify docs around :show-back-button
- AdwNavigationView
  - Warn when a navigation page is missing a title
- AdwStyleManager
  - Fix over-releasing a string on macOS
- AdwTabButton
  - Set the correct gettext domain
- AdwTabOverview
  - Set the correct gettext domain
  - Fix reordered thumbnail being drawn below others
- AdwToastOverlay
  - Set the correct gettext domain
- Build
  - Update pkg-config description field
- Demo
  - Update screenshot in appdata
  - Correctly dismiss the last toast in the dialogs demo
  - Add missing navigation page titles
- Stylesheet
  - Fix filename entry margins in file chooser
  - Fix menubutton.card corners
  - Fix button.card focus ring transition
  - Avoid background overdraw in GtkColumnView

Version 1.4.beta

- Build
  - Depend on GLib 2.76.0
  - Fix build on Windows
  - Add a GTK subproject
- AdwBreakpointBin
  - Mention the correct widget in exceeded size warnings
  - Fix width-for-height and height-for-width sizing
- AdwComboRow
  - Recreate default factory on expression changes
- AdwEnumListModel
  - Better invalid value for find_position()
- AdwHeaderBar
  - Fix spacing when there are no start/end children
  - Fix a memory leak
  - Fix GtkCenterBox:shrink-center-last usage
- AdwLeaflet
  - Fix back/forward mouse button handling
- AdwMessageDialog
  - Fix shadow style
- AdwNavigationView
  - Pop the current page when pressing Escape
  - Make AdwNavigationPage:child-view private
  - Fix back/forward mouse button handling
  - Clarify docs
- AdwPreferencesWindow
  - Fix a memory leak
- AdwTabOverview
  - Cull invisible thumbnails
  - Fix a crash when opening overview before it's mpped
- AdwTabView
  - Fix thumbnail regressions from 1.4.alpha
- AdwToastOverlay
  - Fix width-for-height and height-for-width sizing
- AdwToolbarView
  - Fix width-for-height and height-for-width sizing
  - Clarify docs
- AdwViewStack
  - Add AdwViewStackPages:selected-page
- AdwViewSwitcherBar
  - Fix disabling reveal animation when using breakpoints
  - Make sure the height doesn't change with large text
- Demo
  - Fix view switcher demo minimum height
  - Set input hints and purpose in the entries
- Docs
  - Assorted screenshot tool fixes
  - Fix a deprecation warning in the screenshot tool
- Stylesheet
  - Make button.osd focus rings blue for better visibility
  - Fix .card buttons within .osd
  - Fix button transitions in high contrast mode
  - Fix single-item menu height
  - Modernize GtkFileDialog, GtkAppChooserDialog and GtkAssistant styles

Version 1.4.alpha

- Build
  - Depend on GTK 4.11.3
  - Depend on libappstream
  - Add Vala metadata file
  - Fix gnome.compile_resources() on MSBuild
  - Fix doc include path
  - Make metainfo build reproducible
- Add AdwBreakpoint and AdwBreakpointBin
- Add AdwNavigationView
- Add AdwNavigationSplitView
- Add AdwOverlaySplitView
- Add AdwSpinRow
- Add AdwSwitchRow
- Add AdwToolbarView
- Deprecate AdwFlap, AdwLeaflet, AdwSqueezer and AdwViewSwitcherTitle
- AdwAboutWindow
  - Add new_from_appdata()
  - Add a missing Since annotation
  - Fix accessible role on the application icon
- AdwActionRow
  - Fix an inaccuracy in docs
- AdwAvatar
  - Fix a memory leak
- AdwBanner
  - Allow to ellipsize the button
  - Clarify title placement in docs
  - Add a backdrop style
- AdwButtonContent
  - Add :can-shrink
- AdwCarousel
  - Fix allocation
  - Fix scrolling to a recently inserted item
- AdwClamp/AdwClampLayout/AdwClampScrollable
  - Add :unit, default to the sp unit instead of px
  - Deprecate clamp child  style classes
- AdwComboRow
  - Add :enable-search
  - Fix accessible role on the dropdown arrow
- AdwExpanderRow
  - Deprecate add_action(), replace it with add_suffix()
- AdwFlap
  - Add a missing setter annotation for :fold-policy
  - Correctly measure separator
  - Avoid notify emissions in dispose()
- AdwEntryRow
  - Fix baseline with new GTK
  - Fix accessibility
- AdwHeaderBar
  - Add :show-title property
  - Show page title instead of window title inside AdwNavigationPage
  - Show back buttons inside AdwNavigationView, add :show-back-button
  - Hide redundant window buttons inside AdwNavigationSplitView and
  - Ellipsize title before start/end children
- AdwMessageDialog
  - Allow to ellipsize the buttons
  - Be more responsive on parent state changes
  - Fix criticals when using choose() with hide-on-close=true
- AdwPasswordEntryRow
  - Say password instead of text in the ui
- AdwPreferencesPage
  - Add :description
- AdwPreferencesWindow
  - Deprecate present_subpage(), close_subpage() and :can-navigate-back,
    replace with push_subpage() and pop_subpage() using AdwNavigationView
  - Move search button to the left
  - Add placeholder to the search entry
  - Fix markup handling when searching
- AdwSplitButton
  - Add :can-shrink
- AdwStatusPage
  - Clarify docs
- AdwStyleManager
  - Stop reading GNOME-specific color-scheme setting via settings portal
  - Only use GSettings with ADW_DISABLE_PORTAL=1
  - Fix get_for_display() annotation
- AdwSwipeTracker
  - Add overshoot properties
  - Fix swipe area handling
- AdwTabBar
  - Add :extra-drag-preferred-action
  - Fix dropping data onto tabs/thumbnails
  - Fix accessibility
  - Fix clipped labels
  - Correctly unparent context menu
- AdwTabOverview
  - Rework thumbnails, reducing the number of glitches with
    WebKitWebView, and gaining antialiasing in process
  - Fix the transition curve
  - Add :extra-drag-preferred-action
  - Add a translator comment for "%u tabs"
  - Fix dropping data onto tabs/thumbnails
  - Fix clipped labels
  - Correctly unparent context menu
- AdwTabView
  - Allow Ctrl+Page Up/Down to wrap around
- AdwToast
  - Add :use-markup
  - Allow to ellipsize toast buttons
- AdwViewSwitcher
  - Ellipsize labels in wide mode
  - Set correct accessible role for icons
- AdwViewSwitcherBar
  - Modernize style
- AdwWindow/AdwApplicationWindow
  - Add API for using breakpoints, matching AdwBreakpointBin
- AdwWindowTitle
  - Fix initial title visibility
- Demo
  - Drop leaflet and flap demos
  - Fix a critical when trying to set a non-image file as avatar
  - Add tooltip to the main menu button
  - Open primary menu with F10
  - Make sure dialogs can be closed with Esc
- Docs
  - Add a breakpoint migration guide
  - Rewrite the adaptive layouts page using the new widgetry
  - Update examples everywhere
  - Fix success/error color values
  - List thumbnail colors on the named colors page
  - Consistently mention since/deprecated since versions for named
    colors and style classes
  - Drop alpha migration guide
  - Adjust heading levels so that document outline consistently works
  - Crop screenshots more precisely
  - Don't show marshal functions in docs
- Tests
  - Add a few manual tests, intended to be ran from Builder
- Stylesheet
  - Make header bars white in light variant
  - Use shadow instead of a border for GtkWindow:titlebar
  - Revert menubar style changes from 1.3
  - Use a shadow for undershoot styles
  - Add .undershoot-top/bottom/start/end style classes
  - Add @popover_shade_color, use for undershoots and transition shadows
    within popovers
  - Move toolbar padding to toolbars instead of buttons/entries/etc.
    Applications may need to adapt if they were relying on the previous
  - Add .property style class for list rows
  - Deprecate headerbar.flat
  - Remove non-overlay scrollbar background
  - Remove outline on scrollbar troughs
  - Use flat header bars for GtkShortcutsWindow, GtkAboutDialog,
    GtkColorDialog, GtkPrintUnixDialog and GtkPageSetupUnixDialog
  - Adapt styles for GTK 4.11.x additions
  - Improve selected list/grid item contrast
  - Fix click areas in file chooser rows and grid items
  - Fix file chooser grid dimensions
  - Fix button.card checked state
  - Fix link hover color
- Warn when trying to add a child that already has a parent
- Fix GTK deprecation warnings

Version 1.3.rc

- Build
  - Depend on GTK 4.9.5.
- AdwApplication
  - Disable style loading if Granite is present
- AdwAvatar
  - Improve filtering for custom images
- AdwCarousel
  - Doc updates
- AdwEntryRow
  - Fix :disabled styles
- AdwExpanderRow
  - Expose expanded state for a11y
- AdwPropertyAnimationTarget
  - Remove critical when finalizing the object before the target
- AdwSplitButton
  - Correctly set a11y relations
  - Add a default tooltip to the dropdown
- AdwStyleManager
  - Fix regressions from 1.3.beta
  - Disable built-in styles if Granite is present
- AdwTabOverview
  - Clarify docs
- AdwToastOverlay
  - Fix a use-after-free when quickly creating and dismissing toasts
- Docs
  - Update named color descriptions
  - Update .linked widget list to keep up with GTK 4.9.x
  - Mention AdwHeaderBar along with GtkHeaderBar
- Stylesheet
  - Fix page switcher in GtkShortcutsWindow
  - Fix GtkSearchBar spacing
- Memory leak fixes
- Various cleanups

Version 1.3.beta

- AboutWindow
  - Prevent double clicks from opening troubleshooting page
  - Fix a GTK 4.9.x deprecation
- AdwActionRow
  - Add :subtitle-selectable
- AdwAnimation
  - Add :follow-enable-animations-setting
- AdwBanner
  - Sizing fixes
- AdwEntryRow
  - Make accessible
- AdwLeaflet
  - Fix can-unfold=false
- AdwMessageDialog
  - Increase spacing when heading or body are missing
- AdwSpringAnimation
  - Add calculate_value() and calculate_velocity()
  - Fix unsafe float comparisons
  - Fix critical damping velocity
- AdwStyleManager
  - Support color schemes and high contrast on Windows
- AdwSwipeable
  - Fix get_swipe_area() fallback
- AdwTabBar, AdwTabOverview
  - Emit ::extra-drag-value on ::enter
- AdwTabButton
  - Fix needs-attention dot after viewing AdwTabPages in inspector
  - Fix warning when building in Visual Studio
- AdwTabView
  - Make accessible
- AdwToastOverlay
  - Don't focus buttons on click
  - Prevent toast labels from wrapping
- AdwViewStack
  - Make accessible
- Demo
  - Don't follow "enable animations" setting for the demo animation
  - Fix the switch on the avatar page
- Stylesheet
  - Style GtkMenuBar like header bars and similar widgets
  - Add minimum width to menu popovers
  - Fix GtkLevelBar fill colors
  - Fix GtkFileDialog path bar padding
  - Fix GtkAssistant sidebar color
  - Support marked days in GtkCalendar
- Documentation fixes

Verison 1.3.alpha

- Introduce AdwBanner
- Introduce AdwTabButton and AdwTabOverview
- Fix or silence GTK 4.9.x deprecations
- Require GTK 4.9.2 and GLib 2.72.0
- Add developer name to metainfo
- AdwActionRow
  - Deprecate icon-name property
  - Fix spacing after removing all prefixes/suffixes
- AdwAvatar
  - Correctly redraw on custom image changes
- AdwEntryRow
  - Add adw_entry_row_grab_focus_without_selecting()
  - Respect use-markup property
  - Fix error/warning/success styles
  - Fix spacing after removing all prefixes/suffixes
- AdwExpanderRow
  - Add title-lines and subtitle-lines properties
  - Deprecate icon-name property
  - Fix spacing after removing all prefixes/suffixes
- AdwFlap
  - Fix natural width with fold-policy=never
- AdwMessageDialog
  - Add adw_message_dialog_choose()
  - Fix focus styles in RTL
  - Refactor adaptive layout
- AdwTabBar
  - Add preload property and extra-drag-value signal
  - Fix focus handling
  - Fix autoscroll for non-local drags
- AdwTabView
  - Update default tab icon
  - Rewrite internals to allow overview thumbnails for inactive pages
- AdwPreferencesPage
  - Add a function to scroll to top
- AdwPreferencesWindow
  - Fix a memory leak
- AdwSplitButton
  - Don't make dropdown insensitive when the button is
- AdwSpringAnimation
  - Correctly mark as final
- AdwToastOverlay
  - Clarify documentation
- AdwViewSwitcherBar
  - Fix typos in examples
- AdwViewSwitcherTitle
  - Fix typos in examples
- Demo
  - Update icons
  - Make tabs demo adaptive using the new widgets
  - Use G_DEFINE_FINAL_TYPE where appropriate
- Doc
  - Rename visual index to widget gallery
  - Stop marking symbols from 1.0 as such to reduce clutter
- Stylesheet
  - Fix GtkSpinButton inside toolbars
  - Update for file chooser changes
  - Use accent color for default list/grid selection
- Tests
  - Introduce manual tests in tests/manual/
