Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/graphics/py-Pillow
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2023-10-16 21:26:49
Message id:

Log Message:
py-Pillow: updated to 10.1.0

10.1.0 (2023-10-15)

- Added TrueType default font to allow for different sizes
- Fixed invalid argument warning
- Added ImageOps cover method
- Catch struct.error from truncated EXIF when reading JPEG DPI
- Consider default image when selecting mode for PNG save_all
- Support BGR;15, BGR;16 and BGR;24 access, unpacking and putdata
- Added CMYK to RGB unpacker
- Improved flexibility of XMP parsing
- Support reading 8-bit YCbCr TIFF images
- Allow saving I;16B images as PNG
- Corrected drawing I;16 points and writing I;16 text
- Set blue channel to 128 for BC5S
- Increase flexibility when reading IPTC fields
- Set C palette to be empty by default
- Added gs_binary to control Ghostscript use on all platforms
- Read bounding box information from the trailer of EPS files if specified
- Added reading 8-bit color DDS images
- Added has_transparency_data
- Fixed bug when reading BC5S DDS images
- Prevent TIFF orientation from being applied more than once
- Use previous pixel alpha for QOI_OP_RGB
- Added BC5U reading
- Allow getpixel() to accept a list
- Allow GaussianBlur and BoxBlur to accept a sequence of x and y radii
- Expand JPEG buffer size when saving optimized or progressive
- Added session type check for Linux in ImageGrab.grabclipboard()
- Allow "loop=None" when saving GIF images
- Fixed transparency when saving P mode images to PDF
- Added saving LA images as PDFs
- Set SMaskInData to 1 for PDFs with alpha
- Changed Image mode property to be read-only by default
- Silence exceptions in _repr_jpeg_ and _repr_png_
- Do not use transparency when saving GIF if it has been removed when \ 
normalizing mode
- Fix missing symbols when libtiff depends on libjpeg
