Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/ruby-redmine50
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2023-10-23 16:51:50
Message id:

Log Message:
devel/redmine50: update to 5.0.6

5.0.6 (2023-09-30)

[Code cleanup/refactoring]

* Defect #38797: Fix incorrect argument format for assert_select

[Custom fields]

* Defect #38464: Rendering a custom field with a URL pattern set and
  containing " :" in the value raises Addressable::URI::InvalidURIError


* Defect #38728: Correctly escape issue text in Gantt PNG export for
  ImageMagick convert

[Gems support]

* Patch #39070: Allow using the latest version of mocha even when using
  Ruby < 2.7


* Defect #38443: Cannot add a user to a group if the group is a member
  without roles in a certain project

[PDF export]

* Defect #37694: CommonMark Markdown task list item markers are not
  exported to PDF

[Project settings]

* Defect #37166: Roles of a project member should not be made empty


* Defect #38286: "Cannot delete enumeration" error may occur when
  attempting to delete a project with time entries

[Rails support]

* Patch #38374: Update Rails to

[Ruby support]

* Defect #38617: Redmine 4.2 on Ruby 2.4 is not compatible with loofah
  2.21 or higher


* Defect #38539: Update Nokogiri to 1.15.2 in 5.0-stable and 4.2-stable
* Defect #38807: XSS in Textile formatter
* Defect #38806: XSS in Markdown formatter
* Defect #38417: XSS Vulnerability in Thumbnails

[Text formatting]

* Defect #38697: Exception during thumbnail macro to image tag conversion
  in emails

[Time tracking]

* Defect #39079: NoMethodError when trying to remove the date of an
  existing time entry


* Defect #38507: Fix typo in French translation of
* Patch #38533: Improve the clarity of German translation of


* Defect #33502: Issue field labels for fields with descriptions are
  missing styling on issues show view
* Defect #38448: The margin below the Submit button on the issue edit page
  is too narrow
* Patch #38359: Render numeric axes in charts as Integers
