Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/rust-bindgen
From: pin
Date: 2023-11-12 18:02:52
Message id:

Log Message:
devel/rust-bindgen: update to 0.69.1

0.69.1 (2023-11-02)
 - Allow to run bindgen -v without an input header argument.

0.69.0 (2023-11-01)
 - Added the ParseCallbacks::header_file callback which runs on every filename
   passed to Builder::header.
 - Added the CargoCallbacks::new constructor which emits a cargo-rerun line for
   every input header file by default.
 - Added the CargoCallbacks::rerun_on_header_files method to configure whether
   a cargo-rerun line should be emitted for every input header file.

 - The --wrap-static-fns feature was updated so function types that has no
   argument use void as its sole argument.
 - CargoCallbacks is no longer a unit-like struct and the CargoCallbacks
   constant was added to mitigate the breaking nature of this change. This
   constant has been marked as deprecated and users will have to use the new
   CargoCallbacks::new method in the future.

 - Allow compiling bindgen-cli with a static libclang.
 - Emit an opaque integer type for pointer types that don't have the same size
   as the target's pointer size.
 - Avoid escaping Objective-C method names unless they are Self, self, crate or

 - Fixed errors on the windows artifact build process.

 - The system ABI is now supported as an option for the --override-abi flag.
 - The allowlist_item method and the --allowlist-item flag have been included
   to filter items regardless or their kind.
 - Include installers as release artifacts on Github.

 - The Clone implementation for _BindgenUnionField has been changed to pass the
   incorrect_clone_impl_on_copy_type Clippy lint.
 - The c_unwind ABI can be used without a feature gate for any Rust target
   version equal to or greater than 1.71. This comes as a result of the ABI
   being stabilised (in Rust 1.71).
 - Formatting changes when using prettyplease as a formatter due to a new
   prettyplease version.
 - Avoid generating invalid CStr constants when using the --generate-cstr

 - The extra_assert and extra_assert_eq macros are no longer exported.

 - Bindgen no longer panics when parsing an objective-C header that includes a
   Rust keyword that cannot be a raw identifier, such as: self, crate, super
   or Self.

 - Revert source order sorting (#2543) due to correctness regressions #2558.

 - Added the --generate-cstr CLI flag to generate string constants as &CStr
   instead of &[u8]. (Requires Rust 1.59 or higher.)
 - Added the --generate-shell-completions CLI flag to generate completions for
   different shells.
 - The --wrap-static-fns option can now wrap va_list functions as variadic
   functions with the experimental ParseCallbacks::wrap_as_variadic_fn method.
 - Add target mappings for riscv32imc and riscv32imac.
 - Add the ParseCallbacks::field_visibility method to modify field visibility.

 - Non-UTF-8 string constants are now generated as references (&[u8; SIZE])
   instead of arrays ([u8; SIZE]) to match UTF-8 strings.
 - Wrappers for static functions that return void no longer contain a return
   statement and only call the static function instead.
 - The --wrap-static-fns option no longer emits wrappers for static variadic
 - Depfiles generated with --depfile or Builder::depfile will now properly
   generate module names and paths that include spaces by escaping them. To make
   the escaping clear and consistent, backslashes are also escaped.
 - Updated bitflags dependency to 2.2.1. This changes the API of CodegenConfig.
 - Prettyplease formatting is gated by an optional, enabled by default Cargo
   feature when depending on bindgen as a library.
 - Items are now parsed in the order they appear in source files. This may
   result in auto-generated _bindgen_* names having a different index.
 - Use default visibility for padding fields: Previously, padding fields were
   always public. Now, they follow the default visibility for the type they
   are in.
 - Compute visibility of bitfield unit based on actual field visibility:
   A bitfield unit field and its related functions now have their visibility
   determined based on the most private between the default visibility and the
   actual visibility of the bitfields within the unit.

 - Remove redundant Cargo features, which were all implicit:
    - bindgen-cli: env_logger and log removed in favor of logging
    - bindgen (lib):
       - log removed in favor of logging
       - which removed in favor of which-logging
       - annotate-snippets removed in favor of experimental

 - Prettyplease is available as a Formatter variant now.

 - The Builder::rustfmt_bindings method was added back and tagged as deprecated
   instead of being removed.
 - Broken documentation links were fixed.

 - Added the Builder::default_visibility method and the --default-visibility
   flag to set the default visibility of fields. (#2338)
 - Added the --formatter CLI flag with the values none, rustfmt and prettyplease
   to select which tool will be used to format the bindings. The default value
   is rustfmt. (#2453)
 - Added the Builder::formatter method and the Formatter type to select which
   tool will be used to format the bindings. (#2453)
 - Added the Builder::emit_diagnostics method and the --emit-diagnostics flag to
   enable emission of diagnostic messages under the experimental feature.
 - Added support for the "efiapi" calling convention (#2490).
 - Added the ParseCallbacks::read_env_var method which runs everytime bindgen
   reads and environment variable. (#2400)
 - Added the ParseCallbacks::generated_link_name_override method which allow
   overriding the link name of items. (#2425)
 - Add support for C enums when generating code while using
   the --wrap-static-fns feature. (#2415)

 - Static functions with no arguments use void as their single argument instead
   of having no arguments when the --wrap-static-fns flag is used. (#2443)
 - The source file generated when the --wrap-static-fns flag is enabled now
   contains #include directives with all the input headers and all the source
   code added with the header_contents method. (#2447)
 - The source file generated when the --wrap-static-fns flag no longer uses asm
   labeling and the link name of static wrapper functions is allowed to be
   mangled. (#2448)
 - The documentation of the generated type aliases now matches the comments of
   their typedef counterparts instead of using the comments of the aliased
   types. (#2463)
 - The Builder::rustfmt_bindings methods and the --no-rustfmt-bindings flag are
   now deprecated in favor of the formatter API. (#2453)

 - The following deprecated flags were removed: --use-msvc-mangling,
   --rustfmt-bindings and --size_t-is-usize. (#2408)
 - The Bindings::emit_warnings and Bindings::warnings methods were removed in
   favor of --emit-diagnostics. (#2436)
 - Bindgen no longer generates C string constants that cannot be represented
   as byte slices. (#2487)
