Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/net/gh
From: NONAKA Kimihiro
Date: 2023-11-28 02:08:11
Message id:

Log Message:
net/gh: update to 2.39.1

GitHub CLI 2.39.1
- Fix executable location
- Query project item status field properly

GitHub CLI 2.39.0
- release create: Fix --latest flag behavior when creating release wth assets
- issue/pr: Include project item status when exporting issues and pull requests
- codespace: Resolve race condition in codespaces connection
- release download: Improve usage documentation
- run view: Simplify annotation fetch error handling
- api: Set default Accept header when one is not specified
- build(deps): bump from 0.1.2 to 0.1.3

GitHub CLI 2.38.0
- extension install no longer errors unhelpfully if the extension is already
- All tables now have headers
- project commands have a clearer error message when no owner can be resolved
- workflow run now presents a select for choice workflow input types
- codespace create no longer polls for additional codespace permissions
- go install now works with the removal of our crypto fork

GitHub CLI 2.37.0
**Breaking Changes**
- project: Remove template field from --format=json output by @samcoe in #8160
  -  In v2.34.0 we introduced the template field when outputing projects to
     JSON, unfortunately we forgot to take into account our GHES users.
     This field does not exist on GHES 3.8 and older. Including this field
     in our queries and output broke nearly all the project commands for users
     targeting these older versions of GHES. As we try our hardest to keep
     gh compatible with all non-deprecated GHES versions this was a pretty
     big mistake. In order to fix it we are reverting the querying and
     exporting of the template field for project commands. We apologize for
     the inconvenience this may cause, and plan to bring back this field
     once GHES 3.8 gets deprecated.

- repo create: Allow --disable-issues and --template flags to be used together
- repo create: Allow --homepage and --template flag to be used together
- repo create: Allow creating repositories from templates in interactive mode
- repo fork: Set default repo when forking repo
- codespace: Migrate all Codespaces operations from Live Share to Dev Tunnels
- codespace create: Poll permission acceptance endpoint on codespace creation
- pr create: Remove duplicates targets for push survey
- pr create: Fix typo in documentation
- browse: Do not use relative paths when --repo flag is used

GitHub CLI 2.36.0
- codespace: Hint adding codespace scope when not logged in
- codespace ports: Forward codespace ports over Dev Tunnels
- cache delete: Percent-encode keys
- gpg-key delete, run watch: Return HTTP errors properly
- pr checks: Show cancelled checks
- cache list: Add JSON exporting support
- auth: Fix startup panic when logged out
- secret list, deploy-key list: Support standard output format flags
- pr create: Update the docs on flag --fill
- run view: Use attempt input when fetching jobs
- project item-edit: New clear flag to remove item field value
- build(deps): Bump mislav/bump-homebrew-formula-action from 2 to 3
- Update triage documentation with link to unlabeled open issues

GitHub CLI 2.35.0
- gh alias delete now supports the --all flag
- gh release delete now supports the --cleanup-tag flag
- gh release create now supports the --notes-from-tag flag
- Clarified gh repo list --fork and --source behavior for orgs
- gh cs create now shows the full permissions URL
- Documented when gh auth login falls back to using insecure storage
- Bumped goreleaser/goreleaser-action from 4 to 5

GitHub CLI 2.34.0
- api: Add --verbose flag by @JunNishimura in #7826
- config clear-cache: New command to clear the cli cache
- workflow list: Add --json, --jq and --template flags
- project mark-template: New command to control project template options
- docs: Fix Nix/NixOS install docs
- repo rename: Properly rename remote for GHES hosts
- pr checks: Return different exit code for PENDING vs FAILED
- repo create: Execute clone when readme option is enabled
- repo create: Allow --disable-wiki flag with --template flag
- auth status: Reword token invalid message
- status: Show status even if a comment 404s
- run view: Fetch all run jobs
- Use go-gh prompter package
- Add formula-path to homebrew-bump step
- build(deps): bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4

GitHub CLI 2.33.0
- Delete local branch more often when merging PR
- Do not allow issue and pr templates to be symlinks
- release create: Trim spaces on tag name
- Use filepath.Base to sanitize path for archive downloads
- Codespaces: Use the host name from the logged in server for commands
- Update
- Allow --org parameter in lieu of a repo context for rulesets, add
  current_user_can_bypass to rs view
- add missing ls aliases to list subcommands
- port repo edit prompts
- add clobber flag to alias set
- Remove GHE handling for workflow
- Upgrade to Go 1.21
- switch to prompter in workflow commands
- update more prompts
- switch to prompter in pr shared code
- codespace: Handle HTTP request retry interruption
