Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/audio/spotify-player
From: pin
Date: 2023-12-03 21:49:41
Message id:

Log Message:
audio/spotify-player: update to 0.16.0

v0.16.0 is a big release with some new features:

 - CLI now doesn't require a running instance to handle commands (#290)
 - add file cache support for user's data (liked tracks, saved albums, followed
   artists, etc) (#306)
 - add support for opening a Spotify link from clipboard (#307)

What's Changed
 - Add Scoop installation instruction to Readme by @rashil2000 in #263
 - Improve lyrics lookup by removing remix & remaster info in query.
   by @Icelk in #266
 - Fix typos by @kianmeng in #267
 - fix: missing https for song links by @sjdonado in #269
 - map media control Pause and Resume to PlayerRequests by @SebRollen in #272
 - Allow shuffling context playback from CLI by @rudiejd in #275
 - add explicit tags to track information by @SebRollen in #276
 - Clamped progress bars to solve problems with -ve numbers
   by @whiskyplausible in #274
 - Miscellaneous refactor and improvement by @aome510 in #287
 - use track's id of linked_from if exists by @aome510 in #286
 - Support handling CLI commands without a running application instance
   by @aome510 in #290
 - Allow disabling notify when client is not streaming by @VenMolom in #298
 - support disabling notification from config by @aome510 in #303
 - bind C-z to AddSelectedItemToQueue by @aome510 in #304
 - Cache user's data into files (liked tracks, saved albums, followed artists,
   etc) by @aome510 in #306
 - Support open spotify link by @aome510 in #307
