Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/p5-Function-Parameters
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2023-12-16 12:40:33
Message id:

Log Message:
(devel/p5-Function-Parameters) Updated 2.001003 to 2.002004

2.002004  2023-07-15
          - Remove 'perl -T' from tests. This way we can run on perls compiled
            without support for taint mode. The test didn't actually care about
            taint anyway.

2.002003  2023-04-19
          - Fix line numbers after inlined type checks (gh #42).
            Previously, the code for type checks was inlined literally, so if a
            particular check took 5 lines of code, all the following line
            numbers in the source file would be off by 5 (they would be "pushed
            down" by the interpolated code). These bad line numbers would show
            up in error messages from Perl (including warn and die) as well as
            __LINE__ and caller (and thus stack traces).

2.002002  2023-04-01
          - Work around old versions of ExtUtils::MakeMaker not providing
            is_make_type(), whose version dependency is undocumented (sigh).
          - Restrict GNU syntax for exporting variables to type 'gmake'; should
            fix building on BSD, Solaris, etc.
          - Declare dependency on ExtUtils::MakeMaker 7+ and remove
            compatibility code for older versions.

2.002001  2023-04-01
          - Fix (hopefully) Windows builds using nmake.exe.

2.002     2023-04-01
          - Provide //= for default arguments that are also used when the
            caller passes in undef.
          - Provide more type combinators in parameter declarations: In
            addition to | (union types), now ~ & / are also supported (for
            complement types, intersection types, and alternative types,
          - Enable type coercions. If a parameter has a declared type and that
            type supports coercions ($type->has_coercion returns true), call
            its ->coerce($value) method to transform arguments before type
          - Enable inline type checks. If a parameter has a declared type and
            that type supports inlining ($type->can_be_inlined returns true),
            its inline code (as provided by ->inline_check('$value')) is baked
            into the function definition instead of a call to ->check($value).
            This may speed up type checks.
          - Move a big chunk of tests to xt/ (author testing only).
          - Remove xt/ from the distribution.
          - Enable parallel testing by default (with -j4).

2.001006  2023-03-27
          - Work around perl core issue GH#20950 (use re "eval" \ 
doesn't capture
            lexical %^H environment like eval() does and stringifies it
            instead) by downgrading the previous hard error to a warning (in
            the new category 'Function::Parameters') and switching
            Function::Parameters off in the affected scope.

2.001005  2023-01-27
          - Fix failures with perl 5.37.5 .. 5.37.6 caused by new internal
            opcode structure for anonymous subs.

2.001004  2023-01-20
          - Drop Dir::Self test dependency (use FindBin instead).
