Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/math/R-DBI
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2024-01-21 02:38:18
Message id:

Log Message:
(math/R-DBI) Updated 1.1.3 to 1.2.1

# DBI 1.2.1 (2024-01-12)

## Bug fixes

- Fix `dbWriteTableArrow()` according to spec (#457).

- Fix type inference in default method for `dbCreateTableArrow()` (#450).

## Features

- `dbAppendTableArrow()` returns number of rows (#454).

- Add `temporary` argument to `dbCreateTableArrow()` (#453).

- Avoid coercing `params` in default implementation for `dbSendQueryArrow()` (#447).

- Use `nanoarrow::infer_nanoarrow_schema()` in the default method for \ 
`dbCreateTable()` (#445).

## Chore

- Add badge to `DBIResultArrow` class (#452).

- Change maintainer e-mail.

## Documentation

- Finalize Arrow vignette (#451, #455).

- Document new Arrow generics (#444, #449).

- Use dbitemplate (@maelle, #442).

# DBI 1.2.0 (2023-12-20)

## Breaking changes

- `dbUnquoteIdentifier()` creates `Id()` objects without component names  and \ 
allows non-`NA` character input (#421, #422).

## Features

- New generics `dbSendQueryArrow()`, `dbFetchArrow()`, `dbGetQueryArrow()`, \ 
`dbReadTableArrow()`, `dbWriteTableArrow()`  (@nbenn, #390),  \ 
`dbCreateTableArrow()`, `dbAppendTableArrow()` (#396),
`dbBindArrow()` (#415) and `dbFetchArrowChunk()` (#424), with default \ 
implementations via nanoarrow (#414).

- `Id()` now accepts unnamed components (#417). If names are provided, the \ 
components are arranged in SQL order (@eauleaf, #427).

- New `dbIsValid()` method for `"DBIResultArrowDefault"` objects \ 
implemented by DBI (#425).

- Implement `dbiDataType()` for objects of class `"blob"`.

## Documentation

- Update pkgdown template (@maelle, #428, #438, #437).

- Clarify repeated parameter binding (#430).

- Deal with sundown of `` (#423).

- Correct vignette titles (#419).

- Harmonize table documentation (#400).

- Tweak typo, add families for data retrieval and command execution.

## Testing

- Enable BLOB tests for arrow \>= 10.0.0 (#395).

- Run DBItest for SQLite as part of the checks here (#431).

- Fix checks without suggested packages (#420).

- Fix Windows tests on GHA (#406).

- `testthat::use_testthat(3)` (#416).
