Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/math/R-dplyr
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2024-01-21 05:11:36
Message id:

Log Message:
(math/R-dplyr) Updated 1.1.2 to 1.1.4

# dplyr 1.1.4

* `join_by()` now allows its helper functions to be namespaced with `dplyr::`,
  like `join_by(dplyr::between(x, lower, upper))` (#6838).

* `left_join()` and friends now return a specialized error message if they
  detect that your join would return more rows than dplyr can handle (#6912).

* `slice_*()` now throw the correct error if you forget to name `n` while also
  prefixing the call with `dplyr::` (#6946).

* `dplyr_reconstruct()`'s default method has been rewritten to avoid
  materializing duckplyr queries too early (#6947).

* Updated the `storms` data to include 2022 data (#6937, @steveharoz).

* Updated the `starwars` data to use a new API, because the old one is defunct.
  There are very minor changes to the data itself (#6938, @steveharoz).

# dplyr 1.1.3

* `mutate_each()` and `summarise_each()` now throw correct deprecation messages

* `setequal()` now requires the input data frames to be compatible, similar to
  the other set methods like `setdiff()` or `intersect()` (#6786).
