Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/sysutils/yazi
From: pin
Date: 2024-01-22 08:34:01
Message id:

Log Message:
sysutils/yazi: update to 0.2.2

 - fix: can't clear screen and restore cursor when exit on Windows (#525)
 - fix: can't open and reveal paths with spaces on Windows (#526)
 - feat: add support for snap packages (#531)
 - feat: add desktop entry and logo (#534)
 - fix: can't display file name with invalid utf-8 (#529)
 - fix: follow symlinks when detecting mime-type on Windows (#527)
 - fix: shell input code highlighting is not adapted for the default ANSI
   theme (#536)
 - feat: add file(1) as the file fallback previewer (#543)
 - feat: add prepend_keymap and append_keymap for configuring mixing (#546)
 - feat: new host_name() API (#550)
 - fix: alternate tabs with the same path as the active tab cannot complete
   partial updates and cursor reset (#552)
 - fix: ensure that changing directories occurs before searching
 - feat: allow the spawned child processes to suspend (#556)
 - feat: support Windows ARM64 (#558)
