Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/math/R-insight
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2024-01-26 23:06:19
Message id:

Log Message:
(math/R-insite) Updated 0.19.3 to 0.19.7

# insight 0.19.7

## General

* Support for objects of class `ggcomparisons` from

* `brms::gr()` is now supported, meaning that functions like
  `get_data()` or `find_predictors()` now also work for models with
  group-specific random effects.

* Fix CRAN check issues due to the last *fixest* update.

## Changes to functions

* `get_varcov()` for models of class `pgmm` (package *plm*) now also
  supported robust variance-covariance matrices (i.e. argument

## Bug fixes

* Fixed issue in `find_predictors()` for survival models with `strata()`,
  containing more that one variable.

* Fixed issue in `model_info()`, where in some cases logistic
  regression models were erroneously considered as `"bernoulli"`

* Fixed issue in `find_formula()` for models of class `gamlss` when
  the `random()` function was used with namespace in the formula
  (i.e. `... + gamlss::random()`).

* `model_info()` now detects models with zero-inflation part from package
  *glmmTMB* when models have truncated-families but no `ziformula`.

# insight 0.19.6

## General

* Improved documentation for `get_predicted_ci()`.

## Changes to functions

* `model_info()` now recognized ordered beta families.

* `find_formula` and `get_response` for `nestedLogit` models gain a `dichotomies`
  argument, to return values for the dichotomies used to fit the model.

## Bug fixes

* `find_transformation()` better detects power-transformation of the response

* Corrected return value from `find_statistic` for `nnet::multinom()` models.

* `clean_parameters()` did not return the `"clean_parameters"` class \ 
  for some object. This caused issued in upstream packages.

* Fixed issue in `model_info()`, which did not correctly detect "Bernoulli"
  property for some models classes (like `glmmTMB` or `glmerMod`).

# insight 0.19.5

## Bug fixes

* Fixed critical issue with `check_if_installed()` for old R releases.

# insight 0.19.4

## Changes to functions

* `get_predicted()` now accepts `predict = "link"` for gaussian models with
  log-link (i.e. `glm(..., family = gaussian("log"))`), to return \ 
  on the link scale.

* `check_if_installed()` now automatically checks the package
  DESCRIPTION file to determine the correct minimum version required.

## Bug fixes

* Fixed issue with invalid multibyte strings in `trim_ws()`.

* Fixed issue in `find_statistic()` for models from package *fixest*.
