Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/textproc/py-black
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2024-01-28 14:04:01
Message id:

Log Message:
py-black: update to 24.1.0.

## 24.1.0

### Highlights

This release introduces the new 2024 stable style (#4106), stabilizing the following

- Add parentheses around `if`-`else` expressions (#2278)
- Dummy class and function implementations consisting only of `...` are \ 
formatted more
  compactly (#3796)
- If an assignment statement is too long, we now prefer splitting on the \ 
right-hand side
- Hex codes in Unicode escape sequences are now standardized to lowercase (#2916)
- Allow empty first lines at the beginning of most blocks (#3967, #4061)
- Add parentheses around long type annotations (#3899)
- Enforce newline after module docstrings (#3932, #4028)
- Fix incorrect magic trailing comma handling in return types (#3916)
- Remove blank lines before class docstrings (#3692)
- Wrap multiple context managers in parentheses if combined in a single `with` \ 
- Fix bug in line length calculations for power operations (#3942)
- Add trailing commas to collection literals even if there's a comment after the last
  entry (#3393)
- When using `--skip-magic-trailing-comma` or `-C`, trailing commas are stripped from
  subscript expressions with more than 1 element (#3209)
- Add extra blank lines in stubs in a few cases (#3564, #3862)
- Accept raw strings as docstrings (#3947)
- Split long lines in case blocks (#4024)
- Stop removing spaces from walrus operators within subscripts (#3823)
- Fix incorrect formatting of certain async statements (#3609)
- Allow combining `# fmt: skip` with other comments (#3959)

There are already a few improvements in the `--preview` style, which are slated \ 
for the
2025 stable style. Try them out and
[share your feedback]( In the past, the preview
style has included some features that we were not able to stabilize. This year, we're
adding a separate `--unstable` style for features with known problems. Now, the
`--preview` style only includes features that we actually expect to make it into next
year's stable style.

### Stable style

Several bug fixes were made in features that are moved to the stable style in this

- Fix comment handling when parenthesising conditional expressions (#4134)
- Fix bug where spaces were not added around parenthesized walruses in subscripts,
  unlike other binary operators (#4109)
- Remove empty lines before docstrings in async functions (#4132)
- Address a missing case in the change to allow empty lines at the beginning of all
  blocks, except immediately before a docstring (#4130)
- For stubs, fix logic to enforce empty line after nested classes with bodies (#4141)

### Preview style

- Add `--unstable` style, covering preview features that have known problems \ 
that would
  block them from going into the stable style. Also add the \ 
  flag; for example, use
  `--enable-unstable-feature hug_parens_with_braces_and_square_brackets` to \ 
apply this
  preview feature throughout 2024, even if a later Black release downgrades the \ 
  to unstable (#4096)
- Format module docstrings the same as class and function docstrings (#4095)
- Fix crash when using a walrus in a dictionary (#4155)
- Fix unnecessary parentheses when wrapping long dicts (#4135)
- Stop normalizing spaces before `# fmt: skip` comments (#4146)

### Configuration

- Print warning when configuration in `pyproject.toml` contains an invalid key \ 
- Fix symlink handling, properly ignoring symlinks that point outside of root (#4161)
- Fix cache mtime logic that resulted in false positive cache hits (#4128)
- Remove the long-deprecated `--experimental-string-processing` flag. This \ 
feature can
  currently be enabled with `--preview --enable-unstable-feature string_processing`.

### Integrations

- Revert the change to run Black's pre-commit integration only on specific git hooks
  (#3940) for better compatibility with older versions of pre-commit (#4137)
