Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/editors/neovim
From: Thomas Merkel
Date: 2024-02-02 17:24:45
Message id:

Log Message:
neovim: update to version 0.9.5


This is a maintenance release, focusing on bugfixes.
Notably, fixes were made for issues with using and testing Nvim on less common \ 
platforms, like big endian platforms.

Bug Fixes

- defaults: Set 'fsync' #26039
- Dont create data dir if it's a broken symlink
- Make InspectTree handle nested injection
- Remove nested for_each_tree in TSTreeView (#26331)
- api: Use a conditional stack for nvim_cmd
- change: Update fold after on_bytes
- deps: Bump libmpack from luarocks
- extmark_to_array: Convert conceal_char to bytes
- highlight: Apply 'winblend' to float border
- inccommand: Save and restore '[ and '] marks
- inccommand: Don't crash with "split" and 'n' flag
- lsp: Handle NUL bytes in popup text
- lua: Correct return value for on_key with no arguments
- lua: Crash in nlua_error
- man: Make :Man with a range work
- mappings: Fix mapset() not replacing map with backslash
- marks: Handle switching buffer properly
- mouse: Avoid dragging after click label popupmenu callback
- mouse: Avoid dragging when clicking next to popupmenu
- move: Check the correct buffer
- oldtest: Always use a 64-bit int for swapfile block number
- options: Setting 'scroll' with resized grid
- quickfix: Check if delete failed in qf_fill_buffer()
- set_bool_option: Use int value to make bool Object
- set_option_from_tv: Use v_bool to access boolean option
- terminal: Assign channel to terminal earlier
- terminal: Avoid Insert mode in Terminal buffer
- terminal: Don't lose focus on
- terminal: Keep focus when scrolling number column of another window
- terminal: Make backslashes in 'shell' work on Windows
- treesitter: Foldexpr tweaks
- treesitter: Remove incompatible c query (again)
- ui: Empty line before the next message after :silent command

Build System

- Fix universal mac builds
- ci: Ensure correct headers are used on macOS


- List NVIM_APPNAME as env on manpage
- starting.txt: Correct step number


- Remove redundant strlen in skipwhite


- Fix dependencies between test cases and test flakiness


Bug Fixes

- build: Fix exporting symbols on macOS Sonoma
- api: Handle NUL in nvim_err_write() and nvim_out_write()
- autocmd: Api functions accepting garbage after event name
- clang: Null pointer dereference in parse_msgpack
- clipboard: Don't pass --foreground to wl-copy
- exception: Remember whether message is multiline
- float: Update position of anchored windows first
- float: Fix some other crashes with :unhide or :all
- lua: Not using global value in vim.opt_global
- lua: Show error message when failing to set variable
- mouse: Click on 'statuscolumn' with 'rightleft'
- path: Accept special characters on Windows
- provider: Fix python3 provider cannot detect python3.12
- provider/pythonx: Import the correct module
- rpc: Fix race condition
- runtime: Add commentstring for D ftplugin
- statuscolumn: Update number hl for each screen line
- terminal: Check terminal size at end of screen update
- treesitter: Remove more double recursion
- ui: "resize -1" with cmdheight=0
- unhide: Close floating windows first
- unittests: Ignore __s128 and __u128 types in ffi
- tutor: Clarify the meaning of ✗ and ✓

Build System

- deps: Bump libmpack-lua to 1.0.11
- ci: fix mac release for Sonoma


Breaking change

An adjustment was made to the grid_line event as part of the external UI protocol:
the cells array might now end with a [' ', attr, 0] item with a repeat count of
zero. This is needed by the TUI to disambiguate final spaces from a line from just
clearing the line, which will make a difference when copying text using the terminal
emulators' builtin primary selection support.

External UIs can safely ignore such an empty item and most UIs already handle \ 
this fine.
But it could break UIs which has an assert to validate the cell count to be bigger
than zero, or similar.


- tui: Support Super and Meta modifiers
- terminal: Forward more special keys and modifier-mouse combinations

Bug Fixes

- lua: Always set arg0 to lua scripts
- api: Redundant error when using nvim_cmd
- api, lua: Make blank lines in a message work properly
- column: Fix bugs related to signs in 'statuscolumn'
- completion: Don't add backslash in runtime completion
- diff: Filler lines for hunks bigger than linematch limit
- edit: Fix K_EVENT interfering with 'digraph'
- editorconfig: Better validation and error handling
- events: Don't expand non-file as file name
- events: Trigger VimResume on next UI request
- extmarks: Wrong display when changing text with virt_lines
- folds: Update folds in Insert mode with fdm=indent
- helptags: Make multibyte help tags work properly
- highlight: Make CurSearch work properly with 'winhl'
- inccommand: Fix saving of undo info
- keycodes: Recognize <t_xx> as a key
- lsp: Do not assume client capability exists in watchfiles check (#24558)
- mouse: Handle folded lines with virt_lines attached to line above
- remote: Make --remote-expr print to stdout
- remote: Restore previous --remote-expr output formatting
- spell: Splice extmarks on :spellrepall
- startup: Don't truncate when printing with -l
- startup: Run embedded Nvim with real path
- statusline: Redraw when Visual submode changes
- statusline: Fill for double-width char after moving items
- treesitter: Updates to queries and injections
- treesitter: Fix TSNode:tree() double free
- ui: Propagate line wrapping state on grid_line events
- ui: Avoid ambiguity about chunk that clears part of line


- extmarks: Avoid unnecessary marktree traversal with folds
- substitute: Don't reallocate new_start every time

Build System

- deps: Bump libvterm to 0.3.3
- deps: Bump LuaJIT to HEAD - 03c31124c
- deps: Bump libuv to v1.46.0
- deps: Bump Luv to 1.45.0-0
- deps: Bump tree-sitter-c to v0.20.5
- deps: Bump tree-sitter-lua to v0.0.18


- checkhealth: Add shims for health functions (#23241)
- Add vim.lsp.buf.formatting_sync() to deprecated.txt
- treesitter: update parsers and queries
- api: Extmark highlight groups not always included in details
- api: Avoid assertion when autocmd group id is 0
- api: Don't change title when setting buffer in a window
- api: Nvim_get_hl should return default flag
- colorscheme: Try .lua files in 'rtp' before .vim files in 'pp'
- statuscolumn: fix issues when used with virt_lines and signs
- drawline: Make cursorlineopt=screenline work with resized grid
- eval: Prevent double-free in garbage collection
- extmarks: Don't show virt lines for end mark
- float: Make bufpos work properly with resized parent grid
- highlight: Add missing g: prefix for colors_name
- highlight: Combine ColorColumn with low-priority CursorLine
- highlight: Apply 'winblend' to NormalNC
- lua: Inspect_pos respect bufnr when get syntax info
- lua: Vim.split may trim inner empty items
- man.lua: Don't continue on command error
- man.lua: Return support of all sections
- mark: Properly init mark views
- messages: Ensure msg_grid is at top at more prompt
- mkspell: Prevent Unicode character overflow
- mouse: Cmdline click registered as statuscolumn
- mouse: Fix popup menu position check with winbar
- normal: Make "g$" work properly with resized grid
- pum: Show right-click menu above cmdline area
- pum: Position properly with multigrid and floats
- pum: Fix issues with with 'rightleft'
- redo: Make redo of Lua mappings in op-pending mode work
- redraw: Multibyte characters are wrapped at the end of a line
- redraw: Overwrite double-width char with virt_text properly
- ruler: Show ruler of curwin with no statusline in cmdline
- spell: Extmark with spell=false should disable spell
- statusline: Also allow right click when 'mousemodel' is "popup*"
- substitute: Properly check if preview is needed
- termdebug: Handle partial lines passed to callback
- tui: Position cursor at bottom-left before stopping
- tui: Redraw on SIGWINCH even if size didn't change
- tui: Grid_clear properly clears the screen
- tui: Fix title restore with title stack or altscreen
- ui: Send title to newly-attached UI
- windows: Set stdout to binary mode for --api-info
- windows: Revert installation context to per-machine
- build: Include
