Log Message: py-mysqlclient: updated to 2.2.4 2.2.4 * Support ``ssl=True`` in ``connect()``. This makes better compatibility with PyMySQL and mysqlclient==2.2.1 with libmariadb. 2.2.3 * Fix ``Connection.kill()`` method that broken in 2.2.2. 2.2.2 * Support building with MySQL 8.3 * Deprecate ``db.shutdown()`` and ``db.kill()`` methods in docstring. This is because ``mysql_shutdown()`` and ``mysql_kill()`` were removed in \ MySQL 8.3. They will emit DeprecationWarning in the future but not for now. 2.2.1 * ``Connection.ping()`` avoid using ``MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT`` option until ``reconnect=True`` is specified. MySQL 8.0.33 start showing warning when the option is used. * Windows: Update MariaDB Connector/C to 3.3.8. * Windows: Build wheels for Python 3.12 2.2.0 * Use ``pkg-config`` instead of ``mysql_config`` * Raise ProgrammingError on -inf * Raise IntegrityError for ER_BAD_NULL. * Windows: Use MariaDB Connector/C 3.3.4 * Use pkg-config instead of mysql_config * Add collation option * Drop Python 3.7 support * Use pyproject.toml for build * Add Cursor.mogrify * Partial support of ssl_mode option with mariadbclient * Discard remaining results without creating Python objects * Fix executemany with binary prefix
Revision | Action | file |
1.10 | modify | pkgsrc/databases/py-mysqlclient/Makefile |
1.4 | modify | pkgsrc/databases/py-mysqlclient/PLIST |
1.8 | modify | pkgsrc/databases/py-mysqlclient/distinfo |