Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/fq
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2024-02-13 19:19:06
Message id:

Log Message:
fq: update to 0.10.0.

# 0.10.0

Adds support for various LevelDB formats (thanks @mikez) and Garmin Flexible and \ 
Interoperable Data Transfer format (FIT) (thanks @mlofjard).

And as usual some small fixes and dependency updates.

## Changes

- On macOS fq now reads init script from `~/.config/fq` in addition to \ 
`~/Library/Application Support/fq`. #871
- Switch readline module from own fork to #854
- Updated gojq fork. Notable changes from upstream below. #844
  - Fix pre-defined variables to be available in initial modules
  - Fix object construction with duplicate keys

## Format changes

- `aac_frame` Decode instance tag and common window flag. #859
- `fit` Add support for Garmin Flexible and Interoperable Data Transfer decoder. \ 
Thanks @mlofjard #874
  - This format is used by various GPS tracking devices to record location, \ 
speed etc.
  - Example of converting position information to KML:
  # to_kml.jq
  # convert locations in a fit structure to KML
  def to_kml:
    ( [ .data_records[].data_message as {position_lat: $lat, position_long: $long}
      | select($lat and $long)
      | [$long, $lat, 0]
      | join(",")
    | join(". ")
    | { kml: {"@xmlns":""
      , Document: {Placemark: {LineString: {coordinates: .}}}}
    | to_xml({indent:2})
  # -L to add current directory to library path
  # -r for raw string output
  # 'include "to_ml";' to include to_kml.jq
  # to_kml calls to_kml function
  $ fq -L . -r 'include "to_kml"; to_kml' > file.kml

- `hevc_sps` Fix some incorrect profile_tier_level decoding. #829
- `html` Fix issue parsing elements including SOLIDUS "/". #870
  - Upstream issue
- `mpeg_es` Support ES_ID_Inc and decode descriptors for IOD tags
- `leveldb_descriptor`, `leveldb_log`, `leveldb_table` Add support for LevelDB. \ 
Thanks @mikez #824
  - This format is used by many database backends and applications like Google \ 
- `pcapng` Decode all section headers instead of just the first. #860
- `png` Fix incorrect decoding of type flags. #847
- `hevc_sps` Fix incorrect decoding of profile_tier_level. #829
- `tls` Fix field name typos. #839
- `mp4`
  - Don't try decode samples for a track that has an external reference. #834
  - Use box structure instead of track id to keep track for sample table data. #833
  - `ctts` box v0 sample offset seems to be signed in practice but not in spec. #832
- `webp` Decode width, height and flags for lossless WebP. #857
