Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/cad/py-gdstk
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2024-02-23 10:39:17
Message id:

Log Message:
(cad/py-gdstk) Updated 0.9.42 to 0.9.50

## 0.9.50 - 2024-02-07
### Added
- `Polygon.perimeter`.

## 0.9.49 - 2023-12-29
### Fixed
- Type annotation for `Cell.write_svg`.

## 0.9.48 - 2023-12-21
### Changed
- `Cell.dependencies` accepts keyword arguments.

### Fixed
- Fracturing polygons with few points is more robust.
- Compilation improvements.

## 0.9.45 - 2023-10-12
### Changed
- Use Qhull as an external dependecy instead of installing it
  ourselves to avoid conflicts.

## 0.9.43 - 2023-10-08
### Added
- `Library.remap` and `Cell.remap` to remap layer and data/text types
- Add typing stub
- Add deepcopy support

### Changed
- Raise an error if not both layer and datatype are specified in
  `Cell.get_polygons` and `Reference.get_polygons`.
- Correct ordering of path ends in `Library::read_oas()`

### Fixed
- Sort `Slice` Positions When converting from python because the
  internal implementation expects the coordinates to be sorted
