Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/regal
From: Leonardo Taccari
Date: 2024-02-23 23:41:20
Message id:

Log Message:
regal: Update to 0.17.0

This is a fairly big release, adding 4 new linter rules and a whole
bunch of improvements and fixes.

- New rule: `with-outside-test-context`
- New rule: `circular-import`
- New rule: `rule-name-repeats-package`
- New rule: `double negative`

## Improvements

* The Regal language server now supports client shutdown messages
* The docs on how to ignore rules and files have been greatly improved.

## Bugs Fixed

* Fix false positives in prefer-some-in-iteration
* Fix false positive in external-reference rule when using `=` for
  assignment (although you shouldn't!)
* The Regal language server now correctly handles URIs and paths on Windows

## Ecosystem

The setup-regal GitHub Action has been promoted to v1. This fixes the
warning in pipelines about depending on an old Node version. Make sure
to update your workflows!

This release adds 2 new linter rules and a language server protocol
(LSP) implementation to Regal.

- New rule: `duplicate-rule`
- New rule: `use-rego-v1`

## New feature: Regal language server

The Language Server Protocol (LSP) provides a way for editors to
integrate support for various programming languages using a common
protocol. Using an LSP server implementation rather than one built
specifically for a single editor allows the same code to be used across
all editors with LSP support. v0.16.0 brings a language server mode to
Regal, allowing diagnostics (i.e. linting) of Rego to be performed
continuously in a workspace rather than as a one-off CLI operation.
This is the first step towards bringing Regal into editors like VS
Code, and having linting of Rego natively supported as you work with
your policies. Expect to see more in this space soon!
