Log Message: Update devel/objfw to 1.0.10 ObjFW 1.0.9 -> ObjFW 1.0.10, 2024-02-24 * Fixes objc_getClassList() not releasing the global runtime mutex. * Improves OFLHAArchive's compatibility with non-standard archives. + Adds endbr32 / endbr64 / bti instructions for compatibility with Control Flow Integrity.
Revision | Action | file |
1.21 | modify | pkgsrc/devel/objfw/Makefile |
1.11 | modify | pkgsrc/devel/objfw/PLIST |
1.4 | modify | pkgsrc/devel/objfw/PLIST.runtime |
1.16 | modify | pkgsrc/devel/objfw/distinfo |